快好知 kuaihz

31. I want to eliminate illiteracy. 32. Illiteracy and semiliterate are packed again again thick again modern, analphabetic semiliterate still is on temperament of in one's heart. 33. For a long time, people in the West believed that Greece was in poverty and illiteracy for about four hundred years after the collapse of Mycenae. 34. You misconstrue his statement. I don't think the statements on rural illiteracy are true anymore. The statistics he cites are from the 50's and 60's. 35. The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour./illiteracy.html 36. The section dealing with the exchange rate, bilateral current account balances and the overall current account balance is a monument to economic illiteracy. 37. The rising tide of illiteracy does not augur well for America's industrial might. 38. The width of the blue cell is the percentage of illiteracy, and the width of the white cell is 100 minus the original percentage. 39. About 13 percent of all 17-year- olds in the United States can be considered functionally illiterate. Functional illiteracy among minority youth may run as high as 40 percent. 40. Yeah, well, he's going there to teach the Inuit population, who suffer from high illiteracy. 41. The bald, chemo-ravaged head - the public got used to that pretty quickly, just as we once got used to thinking of her as "the face of racism" or "the laughable image of illiteracy". 42. It is reported incidence of illiteracy of China is noticeably decreasing. 43. This can trim down ignorance and impoverishment by fixing dilemmas of illiteracy and unemployment that are staring several nation states in the face. 44. On every social index, from income to life expectancy, from illiteracy to health, from criminality to child welfare, the Romanies do worse than any other European group. 45. For a long time, people in the West believed that Greece was in poverty and illiteracy for about four hundred yea after the collapse of Mycenae. 46. It was possible that Grandpa's southern accent and his illiteracy made him mispronounce his own name. 47. This quotation illustrated what the British sometimes refers to as " the pretentious illiteracy of the Americans ".