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in essence造句
61, It held what was in essence a master plan for murder, said Mr Stuart-Moore. 62, A living being is therefore in essence a potentially self-healing system. 63, Rousseau introduced a new moral system, which was in essence a reiteration of ideas already set forth by Shaftesbury and Pope. 64, Participation is in essence really only a refinement on the methods used to reflexively understand and interpret in everyday life. 65, In essence, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people. 66, In essence, the whole of Fellini can be found in this sequence from La strada. 67, There can be little doubt that this was in essence for Mrs Whitehouse a symbolic or political victory. 68, In essence I proposed that rather than having public investment we should substitute private investment without any Government guarantee. 69, For it is in essence a political crisis without an economic crisis. 70, In essence, therefore, he attempts to reveal the trade-offs between various competing goals. 71, In essence, your method in correspondence with mine. 72, And that is, in essence, what bycatch is. 73, The Falkland Islands, in essence, is a company town. 74, In essence, this is a hostile takeover. 75, Affiance is a contract in essence. 76, The regional development disharmony is disharmony of urban - rural development in essence. 77, So, what I'm trying to impress upon you, in essence, is this: You and I in America are faced not with a segregationist conspiracy, we're faced with a government conspiracy. 78, In essence, these goals are captured in the words Rotary Shares. 79, The environmental damage of tourism is in essence an external diseconomy of tourism. 80, In essence it is a game of bouncing email/chain mail. 81, What this means in essence is that emotional trauma facilitates the accessing of dissociative states. 82, In essence, officers must give up the depredation conception remained and accept the exchange conception. 83, The committee's recommendations are, in essence, to note calories on the front of packs, and to provide a scale to indicate the relative quantity of added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat. 84, In essence, learning in artificial neural networks is an optimization process, that is, an artificial network adjusts the weights of the network on its concrete error information. 85, The decipherment of the language was in essence completed in 1851 and the language was first called Assyrian. 86, In essence, a set of classification rules can be regarded as logical disjunction of rules, so that each rule can be regarded as a disjunct. 87, In essence, the Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) becomes the network operating system. 88, In essence, 3D ventilation network graph is a 'figurative' ventilation network graph, and it surpasses the technical level of the conventional planar network graph. 89, A military committed doctrinally and in terms of capabilities to providing stability throughout the world in essence creates its own demands. 90, The reform of China's marketization is in essence a process of system transition, which is characteristic of gradual advance, experiment and dissemination and non-radical.