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121. I was left a little uninspired with his overall display although his flicks were magical. 122. The little gray man: A magical forest-dweller, he changed into the thirsty man and then the hungry man. 123. The CHOOsid saw himself as the servant of his REbe, to whom magical powers were often attributed. 124. Congratulations to Mrs Turrell from Aberdeen, for capturing on camera a truly magical moment. 125. At 3.15 this morning Clinton had passed the magical 270 electoral votes he required to win the presidency. 126. Its effect was a magical transparency of texture yet with depth and solidity where needed. 127. The attitude of gratitude can raise your altitude. Being thankful is a magical way to reach the top.RVM 128. The elves: Tiny beings with implied magical powers and fantastic shoemaking skills. 129. Female menstrual blood became endowed with magical power and often it was harmful. 130. Beck and Phil Woods, both virtuosi, have played together off and on for years, and their rapport is magical. 131. A magic-saturated shaman mushroom is very potent indeed, containing the essence of the shaman's magical power. 132. They remember history by evoking magical names from the past, players who captured the hearts of the nation. 133. She looked a little like a child who has been anointed by the wing of a magical bird. 134. The artist portrayed images of daily life in his native town of Ocotlan with vivid colors, surrealism and magical realism. 135. The hills of Provence have a magical attraction for many. 136. Terrible clouds, capable of stripping men to the bone, were turned aside by magical winds. 137. The make believe world of Disney is a truly magical experience that knows no age barriers. 138. It is not, as some people still believe, an almost magical power possessed by just a few. 139. But his athletic prowess dovetailed with his particular experiences, and his body, for him, acquired almost magical power. 140. Your electronic machine is capable of producing magical results so don't be afraid to experiment. 141. Apanage deftly drew the bottle away from the empty net and inserted a magical cork into its neck. 142. In properly regulated households they are invisible, as though the house were a magical place, ministered to by disembodied presences. 143. The eighth colour is octarine, caused by the scatter-effect of strong sunlight on an intense magical field. 144. Layers and layers of calcite have created unique formations given magical names like cave pearls, popcorn and soda straws. 145. It seems the filmmakers are aiming for a dose of magical realism, dried-out, reconstituted and completely misunderstood. 146. On finding Tamara gone he went to his father, who dwelt in the heart of Dartmoor and also possessed magical powers. 147. The outskirts of her home town excited her as a magical cavern will a child. 148. Particular substances were commonly held to possess magical and even medical potential. 149. There is nothing magical or mystical about the process, and the results are shared in strictest confidence. 150. There was some reversion to polytheism and the religion became more magical and ritualistic than ethical.