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extended family造句
31. And we can no longer rely on the extended family being dose at hand. 32. Members of Dorrance's extended family have indeed disagreed in public over whether or not the company should be sold. 33. The father or elder brother makes important decisions for the whole extended family even if members are widely separated geographically. 34. It was the typical extended family time with grandmother and other visiting relatives. 35. We can not, therefore, draw too sharp a distinction between nuclear and extended family types. 36. The extended family of the Schlesingers kept in touch over the years. 37. Pretty and earthy, she can be aggressive or retreat believably, and has some nice scenes with her extended family. 38. The researchers concluded that the supportive atmosphere of the extended family had been sufficient to counterbalance the effects of the questionable diets. 39. His early years there were spent in a squat with an extended family of cartoon sociopaths. 40. Different cultures have different attitudes to such obligations; for some it is merely an extension of an already extended family. 41. This is an extended family of systems that always share information with each other,[www.] whether you want them to or not. 42. One good thing is that the extended family of toothless hillbillies who used to live down the street moved away. 43. The joint or extended family is the peasant economic unit essential for survival. 44. So the city attorney wants him to say goodbye to the animals that have become his extended family? 45. Students and teachers often refer to the academies as an extended family. 46. The wider extended family of distant kin and friends may include some who have died, but who are present in memory. 47. An extended family enriches life in many ways. 48. He is the oldest in his extended family. 49. The extended family is very large. 50. She and her extended family live in close quarters. 51. There are often many nuclear families in one extended family. 52. Within the clan (or extended family), the power that belongs to senior men, especially those with titles like datuk (or chief), is no more significant than that of senior women, Blackwood said. 53. And only two people in her extended family ever had cancer. 54. And with time, you become part of a unique extended family. 55. I've tried to compensate through friends, school and extended family. 56. He also said the United States President Barack Obama was condemning "the cousins and extended family of his own daughters to be destroyed to preserve the interests of the few". 57. Today's families may include both the biological mother and father or a single parent or guardian, grandparents or other extended family, same-gender parents, or foster parents. 58. At home, you might prepare a large meal for your extended family. 59. Hit the extended family, and parents are bound to in unnecessary troubles. 60. Husband and wife are reunited in heaven, along with their extended family.