快好知 kuaihz

(1) It is currently illegal to export this encryption technology from the US. (2) Encryption systems and their ilk are technologies of disconnection. (3) Preventive measures include data encryption using various cryptographic methods. (4) Encryption is vitally important to on-line commerce. (5) This means that multiple encryption / decryption need not be done at every intermediate point. (6) A smart card computes a password or encryption key and furnishes it directly to the computer for the logon procedure. (7) They warned that commercially available encryption software would be easily overcome by intelligence services. (8) Several implementations of these popular encryption techniques are currently employed. (9) Encryption and digital signatures are techniques to expand the dynamics of trust into a new territory. (10) Data encryption ensures the privacy and confidentiality of email messages. (11) The Leahy-Goodlatte Bills proposed easing export controls on encryption software to satisfy industry and civil libertarians. (12) Now encryption will cause the erosion of the current corporate monopoly on expertise and proprietary knowledge. (13) There have been many cases in which encryption has thwarted us big time. (14) Imagine the problems if all employees routinely used encryption and changed their passwords regularly-both are considered good practice in security-minded organizations. (15) But I also fear that this encryption stuff is so powerful it could blow up in my face. (16) Encryption techniques are used to verify digital signatures on business contracts. (17) The final deterrent to widespread acceptance of encryption is its difficulty to use. (18) Encryption technology is seen as a prerequisite for widespread commercial use of computer networks. (19) The broadcasting of a pay channel requires the encryption or scrambling of the signal on emission and the unscrambling on reception. (20) Unlike encryption, digital signatures are a recent development[http:///encryption.html], the need for which has arisen with the proliferation of electronic commerce. (21) People whose appetite for encryption may be thwarted righteously, effectively, and harshly. (22) Designed for hardware implementation, its operation is relatively fast and works well for large bulk documents or encryption. (23) Arthur Abraham, dressed in heavy studded black leather, reviews a recent technical paper on encryption. (24) A couple of years ago May wrote a manifesto to alert the world to the advent of widespread encryption. (25) The Clinton administration last week made a new offer to the computer industry on the issue of data encryption. (26) The need for securing the communications link between computers via encryption is expected to rise. (27) This second token is doubly encrypted, and users pass it along after peeling off one layer of encryption. (28) Secret-Key Cryptography Secret-key cryptography involves the use of a shared key for both encryption by the transmitter and decryption by the receiver. (29) As part of the registration process, you're provided with a unique encryption key. (30) Thus, banks suggest that each private key password also be used as an integral part of the encryption algorithm.