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1 The greater incidence of digestion on maxillary incisors can be attributed to the greater breakage of the maxillae. 2 The position relation between mandible and maxilla or cranioaural. 3 In the maxilla, the abutment distribution did not allow a palatal - free restoration. 4 Coordinate of landmarks in maxilla and mandible were calculated and correlative factor analysis was performed. 5 Conclusion The development of maxilla and mandible is coordinated in individual with normal occlusion. 6 Methods:After the lesions in the maxilla or palate is resected, the defects of palate is reconstructed immediately with temporalis myofascial flap. 7 The mandible or maxilla or the part of the face covering these bones. 8 Reconstruction of the anterior wall of the maxilla: overturned the bone of the anterior wall of maxillary sinus with pedunculus firstly and reduced after the operation. 9 Objective: To explore the repair method of maxilla and palate defects by folding radialis forearm free flaps. 10 Table 3.9 Comparison of numbers of isolated teeth in pellet samples with numbers missing from mandibles and maxillae. 11 The distinction is made between molars in place in mandibles or maxillae, and isolated molars. 12 The snowy owl and tawny owl assemblages diverge most greatly from this, with fewer complete mandibles than maxillae. 13 All mandibular numbers in the tables refer to half mandibles, as for maxillae. 14 ObjectiveTo determine the rule of simulated protraction and palate expansion on shift of maxillary bone, and to supply the scientific data for treating maxilla in patients with cleft lip and palate. 15 Objectives: To investigate the effects of palatoplasty on the development of maxilla after operation. 16 Objective To compare histological changes of iliac crest cartilage with costal cartilage graft in alae nasi soft tissue and on maxilla surface. 17 The cases included, pulpitis needed operation, or the teeth needed extraction, in which the teeth were located in the maxilla or front part of the mandible. 18 In the third approach, the unilateral lower subtotal maxillotomy, half of the maxilla, and the hard palate are hinged on the soft palate and folded downward into the floor of the mouth. 19 Objective To find a new and practical approach of full maxillectomy by the path along lower lip and the lower jaw according to the anatomic characteristics of maxilla. 20 Objective To evaluate recovery situation of the speech function on repairing defects of maxilla and palate with temporalis muscle flap. 21 Compared with the impacted group, the erupted group had anteriorly positioned and larger maxilla and mandible, less ramus-corpus angle and more protrusive lower incisors . 22 To investigate the proper radiographic methods of dens canine of maxilla in monkey. 23 A transition zone of bony thickness exists along the frontal processes of the maxilla from the piriform aperture to the radix along the lateral nasal wall. 24 Methods:113 cases of midface fractures were reviewed. The nasal bone fracture, zygomatic arch fracture, optic nerve contusion, zygomatic maxilla fracture were treated. 25 Objective : To find out the treatment characteristics of serious maxilla facial injuries. 26 Objective : To analyze the role of CT scan and staging of maxilla sinus malignant tumor. 27 Objective: This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a bone splitting technique used for endosseous implant installation in anterior region of maxilla. 28 The origin of cocoonase of silkmoth, Bombyx mori was likely midgut, maxilla, or craw. However, it was absent of direct evidences whether the craw could secret cocoonase . 29 Objective To investigate the surgical approaches of the embedded supernumerary teeth in maxilla. 30 Besides antifungal treatment, this patient also received several surgeries to remove all necrotic tissues, including the palate, maxilla, zygoma and orbital floor and lateral wall.