快好知 kuaihz

(61) The result, in short, was a vicious circle. (62) We're all living in a vicious circle. (63) Vicious tongues of chain flick through the air. (64) This vicious cycle is shown in Figure 5.2. (65) He was a vicious gossip. (66) The whole sorry affair became a vicious circle. (67) The vicious count their years; virtuous, their acts.Samuel Johnson (68) His murder triggered vicious race riots in 125 cities. (69) It was vicious, and it drew blood. (70) The vicious circle of repressed feeling is finally broken. (71) I was glad when the train stopped, because the wind did not feel as vicious then. (72) Dana didn't know Berenice was in danger of losing her child; she was careless, but not vicious. (73) Through the rest of the poem she offers examples of marriages in which a promising husband proves neglectful or vicious. (74) Questions are being asked by prominent citizens as to the extent of police laxity which permitted the perpetration of this vicious crime. (75) His article drew vicious attacks from people close to the royal family, and his popular television talk show was canceled. (76) Women with bulimia may also be ignorant of how their behaviour perpetuates their symptoms, creating a vicious cycle which traps them. (77) At her most vicious, Horatia would taunt him, calling into question his virility. (78) It is hardly likely that a vicious thug will wait politely while we ring the police. (79) Atwater was more colorful and more publicly vicious than most, but his tactics were fairly typical. (80) Racist attitudes are not simply articulated in the vicious attacks of racist thugs. (81) This vicious circle is more precisely specified in Chapter 7. (82) A particularly vicious back-cast entangled her cast, high in the branches of a nearby, unclimbable tree. (83) The rising prestige of Ivan's royal office went to the head of that gifted but vicious and unbalanced character. (84) The car roared past, its gun still barking as the car made a vicious turn down Longwood. (85) Mr Milosevic is fighting for his political survival after a vicious campaign tainted by intimidation and haunted by fears of electoral fraud. (86) I had to destroy, once and for all, the vicious circle of poverty and economic stagnation. (87) Vicious thugs had speared him leaving a gaping wound exposing the bone. (88) High tide is often positively dangerous, with vicious dumping waves breaking on the steep slope of the upper beach. (89) Their stooping posture was of a person melting down, slumping into the stance of a vicious carnivore. (90) In a vicious cycle, weight gain increases insulin resistance increases weight gain.