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181. Ken Wilber once suggested that my inauthentic hatred will never go away, for these authentic feelings were underneath them, forever creating more. 182. The Hobbit Motel resembles an authentic hobbit hole built into the side of the mountain. 183. This is adynamic way to learn how to write authentic dialogue. 184. It is crucial that all documents presented are authentic and easily verifiable. 185. Jaspers described the major vehicle as the "boundary experience" – a jolting, irreversible experience which shifts the individual from the everyday mode to a more authentic mode. 186. When his replica became more popular than the original, the owner of the “authentic” fake tried to sue Barnum. 187. The vintage style master bath features a "tub with a view" and two sinks with italian marble countertops and limestone tile with bidet. Authentic vintage wall panels and cabinets. 188. I once played Sherlock Holmes , and I always insisted on authentic props. 189. Their argument was that Temple sacrifices were an innovation and had no basis in the authentic Law of Moses, and Jesus was sent to restore the Torah as Moses had practiced it. 190. We tasted some authentic Dezhou braised chicken when we passed through Dezhou. 191. Luria is an authentic pioneer of molecular biology. Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses. 192. Guangdong and foreland count meat, cat flesh, snake meat authentic 3 game. 193. Two high - beginner level EFL classes participated, and both used authentic and artificial material alternately. 194. The next day in the tea - house he got authentic news that the railway was cut. 195. The square dance is an authentic American folk development of the Old - World four - couple dance. 196. The large scale authentic text processing becomes a strategic target of the computational linguistics. 197. Unlike authentic ES cells, their proliferation activity is not very high and they do not form teratomas in immunodeficient mouse testes. 198. The paper discusses roaming trust degree from two sides. One is authentic degree of user given by the peer entity which user belongs to. 199. I have met academic specialists who insist that Alan Watts, who did so much to popularize Zen, did not grasp the authentic meaning of satori. 200. Some of the best known research on smiling is about how people judge an authentic smile - the so-called 'Duchenne smile' or the 'crinkly-eyed smile'. 201. Data will be encrypted and verified as authentic and unmodified. 202. They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb. 203. It is during suffering that we learn to pray our most authentic, heartfelt, honest-to-God prayers. When we're in pain, we don't have the energy for superficial prayers. 204. Description of each factor detail can influence the authentic and veracious of news. 205. To study Wang Zuoliang's translation version of Thunderstorm with the guidance of Relevance-Adaptation Model, it is easy to find out some authentic and unauthentic translation examples. 206. It's unpretentious and following it will lead you to your most authentic joy and happiness. 207. After mastering authentic evidence, foliaceous gentleman and bargaining of new egg China.