快好知 kuaihz

1. She is enamoured with books. 2. You don't seem very enamoured with your job. 3. He was less than enamoured of the music. 4. In his youth he was enamoured of music. 5. He was greatly enamoured of Elizabeth. 6. The poet is enamoured of beauty. 7. Jack is enamoured with scientific researches. 8. The dancer was enamoured of the princess. 9. I have to say I'm not exactly enamoured with/of this part of the country. 10. I'm not too enamoured with the idea of spending a whole day with him. 11. I'm not exactly enamoured with the idea of spending a whole day with them. 12. The religious conservatives are not enamoured of the West and its values. 13. He was like an enamoured father, an old fool. 14. Not all feminists were so enamoured with such tactics. 15. It wasn't that Katherine wasn't enamoured of Paris. 16. Both, it seems, became enamoured of him. 17. Among those not wholly enamoured of Eardwulf was Alcuin. 18. Her beauty enamoured the prince. 19. It was said that he was not enamoured of the tight business disciplines which they attempted to impose. 20. The Renaissance became enamoured of perspective, indeed Vasari thought that Paolo Uccello took it too seriously. 21. The harlequin is enamoured of a young dancer who has been forced to marry the proprietor of the troupe. 22. Jack enamoured with scientific researches. 23. The old couple were enamoured of the theatre. 24. The young man became enamoured of an attractive actress. 25. He is enamoured by that enchantress. 26. The young man became enamoured of an attractive widow. 27. America is now enamoured of all things green. 28. Narcissus was a young man who spurned the nymph Echo and became enamoured of his own reflection. 29. It is strange that Gordon, who had ready access to several mirrors, should be so enamoured of this idea. 30. The Colonel, son of the aforementioned Marquis, comes to inspect the troops and becomes enamoured of Gertrudis' beauty.