快好知 kuaihz

1) Each node is given a pointer to its parent. 2) I was a node in a network. 3) Printing a section heading as a node name of the semantic net also sometimes seemed inappropriate for the printed form. 4) The depth of any node is the length of the path from the root to it. 5) Hence, if is the penultimate node on this path, is basic and -. 6) Cervical lymph node biopsy showed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of follicular type. 7) The typical number of children of each internal node in a tree is called its branching ratio. 8) Also, subscribers can use any Dialplus node instead of having to register their password on each one separately. 9) The study of node names suggests generic, semantic attributes for a book about information systems. 10) For instance, no single node can recognise the class of images consisting of just one dot anywhere on the retina. 11) Each node comprises information about which letter is allowed as well as pointers to child and sister nodes. 12) Finally any head string which uses the convergent node number must be removed as it is no longer available. 13) In reaction, the last node tends to compensate by ordering a large correction. 14) Electron transfer to or from the node is only through the tunnel junction. 15) Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node. 16) True pedants add the proviso that an edge can not also be a node. 17) Often, there is no fixed number of children per node. 18) There is therefore no need to grow new branches from node 7. 19) The percentage of aneuploid tumours increased according to tumour invasion and the development of lymph node metastasis reflecting an increased genomic instability. 20) Users can scale the Boss system up from a single node to 456 nodes, to give 114.6GFlops performance. 21) In this case we can immediately develop the up-problem and declare the node on the down-branch inactive. 22) If both the input and output activity of a node are high, the weights change significantly. 23) Of those cancers that seem to be limited to the prostate clinically, 25-35% will have lymph node metastases. 24) Each frame has a registration mark that you can define, and the node on the path is where it sits. 25) The remaining scope for choice surrounds the selection of an active node for development. 26) The information from the forward phase tells you how much each input influenced the error at that node. 27) Chest and abdominal computed tomography was performed every six months when lymph node or lung involvement was present at the initial staging. 28) In the same way, if, we can write and develop the down-problem, declaring the node on the up-branch inactive. 29) B2 - extension through the rectal wall without lymph node involvement. 30) This approach does not solve the problem of continuity that depends on more than the single preceding node.