快好知 kuaihz

181 The melancholic king and his lustful comic consort are out of love, but not so Peter and Emilia. 182 There was a bench at one side of it with empty tea cups on it and some comic papers. 183 This crew is embodied by a builder turned speculator who marries Fonty's daughter in a marvellously comic wedding scene. 184 Gazzer could see Tony going into the lighted ticket-booth to read his comic. 185 Cimbelina en 1900 y pico is a comic farce composed of six short acts, a prologue and epilogue. 186 In person, the Esquire columnist and author of four books is hyperactive, edgy and funnier than any stand-up comic. 187 It is said that there is now a comic for everyone and indeed the gay and black communities have thriving titles. 188 If they had been drawn by a cartoonist, the effect would be comic, but they were not. 189 The show itself contained the sort of comic stuff of which Woody Allen would have been justly proud. 190 But the who-dun-it tug is not the only resource you have in writing comic crime fiction. 191 His role has been rather like that of a stand-up comic warming up the audience for the main event. 192 But no artist seems to have taken over the comic strip format whole until Art Spiegelman came along. 193 Danny relied on a dopey and familiar joke to produce a comic dialogue about deflating muscles. 194 Their footsteps rang hollow in the register office like a bad comic going off stage. 195 Gerald Ford, as a speaker, was the exact opposite of a stand-up comic. 196 Emergency Comic Relief was set up primarily in reaction to the famine in 1984. 197 Officers found duct tape that looked like it might have been used to bind somebody as well as pornographic comic books. 198 The personal appearance of Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-man, the X-Men and other comic book heroes. 199 Word spread widely and quickly, through the networks, even through underground comic books where the illiterate could read them. 200 He bought a comic, several candy bars and a bag of liquorice all-sorts. 201 Is not Mao, even now, widely seen as a benign or at least a faintly comic figure? 202 The sole outstanding feature comes in Richard Suart's scintillating interpretation of the two chief comic roles. 203 For comic relief, obviously; but we also suspect a topical reference worth considering as evidence in the dating game. 204 Cartoon capers Champion is a new comic which helps to educate newly diagnosed diabetic children about their condition. 205 A sense of comic character and timing are the main requirements, and John carried it off successfully. 206 So the bargaining takes on a nouveau comic tone, and we all become role players in the funny business. 207 Tex Avery cartoons of comic book bodies and slapstick violence. 208 I am going to buy a comic book. 209 Miss Ley waved her arms with comic desperation. 210 He gets a kick out of a comic book.