快好知 kuaihz

61. Galileo was humiliated in Rome in a manner that has no exact parallel in Protestant countries. 62. One episode ends with the proud man broken, humiliated and in tears. 63. I have never been so humiliated in all my life. 64. Contemporary accounts were certainly not unanimous in recording a triumphant Huxley and a humiliated bishop. 65. Mr Smith said the Premier had not just humiliated himself and his Government through the sterling crisis - he had humiliated Britain. 66. He was angry and felt humiliated, but with each passing day, he slowly began to accept his situation. 67. He said that he had felt humiliated in front of his suite mates and in front of female students. 68. Who wants to talk things over after being physically subdued and humiliated? 69. In a choice between meekly obeying his commands and being publicly humiliated there really was no choice. 70. Why do we have to be so humiliated by officialdom? 71. The last time I had it, a woman reporter was humiliated and verbally abused in a National Football League locker room. 72. He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated, and very lonely. 73. He felt very strange, very humiliated, very downcast. 74. The country was humiliated by defeat. 75. The judicial near lynching of DSK humiliated France. 76. Prepare to be humiliated on cable television. 77. Redding , an honour student, was so distraught and humiliated she transferred to another school. 78. One man was nationally humiliated when he lost to Charles Van Doren in a television quiz show (Van Doren was cheating). 79. When Obama traveled to Copenhagen in 2009 to seal a climate pact, Chinese leaders abjectly humiliated him before sinking the deal. 80. You humiliated her in public. Mark my words , she'll be out for your scalp. 81. Then Alfred went musing into the deserted schoolhouse. He was humiliated and angry. 82. He felt completely crushed ( ie humiliated ) by her last remark. 83. Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and while wheeling a "frightened and humiliated" Dougherty out of the store, he passed out. 84. They are utterly devoid of conscience ,[http:///humiliated.html] they even humiliated these defenseless civilians. 85. They've been humiliated by the Son of God and the other priggish loyalist angels so they are pained, utterly humiliated. 86. Lydia was being humiliated, and she knew it, but she hardly cared. 87. Humiliated before his Spartan army, Kratos dragged himself up from the dirt. 88. And Luke would have been "humiliated" when he couldn't use the Force to stop an attack by a bunch of ice monsters on the rebel's Hoth base. 89. She threw the cake I'd made on the floor and stood on it. Talk about being humiliated! 90. How many times have you received a forwarded message that contains photographs or a video of someone being violated or humiliated?