快好知 kuaihz

1. Her paintings have a naive, dreamlike quality. 2. The dancer's movements were slow and dreamlike. 3. The film had a dreamlike quality. 4. The place has an almost dreamlike quality. 5. There's a dreamlike quality to the final stages of the film. 6. In his confession, Nenno described the evening as dreamlike. 7. The dreamlike flight lasted four hours. 8. He lay in a dreamlike daze, utterly unable to distinguish between real and false memories. 9. Its dreamlike construction of our sceptred isle as an ethnically purified one provides a special comfort against the ravages of decline. 10. He followed all her movements with dreamlike detachment; an all-engulfing numbness seemed to have removed every trace of feeling from him. 11. It felt as though she'd drifted into some dreamlike watery paradise. 12. Night invested the lake with a dreamlike quality. 13. Denmark is a beautiful and dreamlike place. 14. To have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake. 15. The dreamlike view struck us all dumb. 16. Surrealism, with its dreamlike associations, easily lent itself to the wordplay and psychological symbolism of advertising, cartoons, and theme parks. 17. The dreamlike fantastic narration shows the authors doubt for life, cognition for absurd existence of individuals, and deep thinking for humans irremovable anxiety. 18. Journalist: I have a dreamlike feeling while sitting here talking to you about spirit. 19. In wild dreamlike procession, embracing whom they met and pointing him out, they carried him on. 20. Her colourful oils and works on paper have a naive, dreamlike quality. 21. I remained aware that he was there, but everything around me disappeared and everything felt dreamlike. 22. It suddenly dawned on me how bizarre, how ridiculous and how dreamlike my situation was. 22. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 23. That day at the office seemed to pass by in an even more dreamlike fashion than usual. 24. Autumn is the greatest reminder: It reminds us how dreamlike beauties our earth has and it reminds us how all these beautiful dreams can easily vanish!Mehmet Murat ildan 25. Fink's symbols, such as the bird, tree, vessel and Madonna, refer to dreamlike relationships and fleeting moments. 26. Suddenly, it seemed utterly unbelievable, a mere figment of her dreamlike state. 27. This park in the north west corner of Beijing is in a really dreamlike landscaped area. 28. Are teenagers, is the silly season, for love is full of Yili imagination, dreamlike, delude one to folly. 29. A style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter , characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery. 30. Van Gogh would also learn from the pointillism of Seurat, the primitive simplicity of Japanese prints, the Symbolists' embrace of dreamlike imagery.