快好知 kuaihz

91. But you will wait in vain if you want to learn anything more detailed about tornadoes, floods, hurricanes or blizzards. 92. Some one ought to strike a blow for women and show this vain man that he was utterly resistible! 93. He is a vain, devious showman accused of bribery, tax evasion, fraud and mafia connections. 94. Eva Peron was vain, she was capricious, she was horribly insecure. 95. The book is a vain attempt to glorify the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history. 96. In vain she struggled to regain control of herself, but it was too late. 97. Better than enduring his fumbling during the night in the vain hope of satisfaction when the need was strong in her. 98. Sweet is true love that is given in vain, and sweet is death that takes away pain.Alfred Tennyson 99. I remembered all my vain attempts to change his mind. 100. Last night both men were clinging to the vain hope of salvaging their jobs and refused to comment before today's hearing. 101. And they can travel down to the job centre - in vain. 102. Jaq looked in vain through a lens for identification marks, badges, or names. 103. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of sirens and gunfire. 104. But that achievement would be in vain, unless they could reestablish communication with Earth. 105. He tries in vain to blag my laminate off me. 106. But since passion does not come in bottles it seems a vain hope. 107. I am vain enough to want to look good, but not to style my hair and paint my toenails. 108. It took a great deal of courage to admit that all her efforts had been in vain. 109. Fifi was back at the bars and stretching out her hand in a vain attempt to reach the steel tray. 110. Suddenly he felt an uneven tug, the string went slack, and he realized that his efforts had been in vain. 111. This man has the unenviable task of telling hungry women and children queueing for food that they're waiting in vain. 112. What of Isleifr's white bear, uselessly rampant in Goslar, while Isleifr waited in vain for his summons to consecration? 113. His ugliness set him apart; his ugliness had made him vain. 114. Doctors tried in vain to save him but he died just before dawn. 115. The vain girl did a little dance in them, but when she tried to stop, the shoes kept on dancing. 116. Congress delegates waited in vain for the congratulatory telegram from Moscow when the new party was formed. 117. In vain I tried to persuade friends that even without glasses it was possible to experience the phenomenon. 118. Police have spent hours searching in vain for the missing teenager. 119. Sam stood guard over his blood-covered friend and tried in vain to flag down passing motorists. 120. Later, it tried in vain to conquer the whole of the subcontinent.