快好知 kuaihz

121. The initial resit diet processed results for approximately 300 candidates, covering six exams at two levels, elementary and advanced. 122. It is not necessary to wait until the data are completely processed or analyzed before the report writing phase can begin. 123. Perhaps you have not processed all your negative thoughts and beliefs? 124. Ordinarily,[www.] it takes six weeks for applications to be processed. 125. Although 7,000 new applications were lodged last month, 11,340 were processed. 126. This may be one reason why fibre-rich foods are normally automatically chewed more thoroughly than processed foods. 127. Its two core components, methanol and butane, are processed from natural gas. 128. A spokesman for the Clydesdale confirmed that the bank had made an error somewhere and had not processed the tape. 129. And cut down on crisps, salted meat, salted fish and processed canned foods. 130. These are then processed into fish meal to be used mainly for feeding farm animals. 131. How many forms of processed potato can you think of? 3. 132. Data in this new form will then be processed for distribution. 133. Preliminary studies were undertaken in which random blood samples were obtained from 15 subjects and processed as serum. 134. She spent the next hour jotting down notes as she processed each disk. 135. All the input data is then processed to produce the nitrogen application maps. 136. These texts were then processed by the confusion simulator program, and the output used as input to the definitional overlap program. 137. Processed Caerphilly can be rather bland, but a traditional farmhouse variety has a delicious, if subtle flavour. 138. Processed foods may lack the vitamins and minerals found in fresh produce. 139. General Discussion Reaction time increases as a function of the amount of information required to be processed in the brain. 140. A small intestinal biopsy specimen was taken from the third part of the duodenum, and routinely processed for histological examination. 141. Such information is often laboriously collected by literature-searching and is conventionally processed as text. 142. Analysis of the eye fixations that people make when reading provides some insight into what visual information is being processed. 143. The coding instructions are necessary if the data are to be punched into cards and processed by computer equipment. 144. These include chemicals, paper, cloth, drink manufacture and processed food. 145. Slowly he and his acolytes processed up the center aisle, carrying the small ball of flame. 146. The colonic segments were fixed in Carnoy's fixative and processed to paraffin. 147. They are hauled off to a depot, to await their turn to be processed. 148. The milk must be maintained at this temperature until it is processed. 149. He fought against the sensation that Molland had strapped him on a sort of conveyor belt in a factory that processed death. 150. In other countries it was a vehicle for selling processed peas or indoctrinating the masses.