快好知 kuaihz

61. This article describes the phonological system and its features of Gan dialect in Hanbin district, the city of Ankang, Shaanxi providence and lists the homophony syllabify. 62. Providence had grown mythical in his thoughts, if not malicious. 63. Otto von Bismarck once said: "God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America." 64. Yet may we shelter ourselves in the infinite goodness of Providence, which would not forever punish the innocent beyond that third or fourth generation which is threatened in Holy Writ. 65. Oh, shall I then, again become a fatalist, whom fourteen years of despair and ten of Hope had rendered a believer in providence? 66. The same idea was expressed, albeit less nobly, in Otto von Bismarck's alleged quip that "God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States." 67. It simply means that God's predetermination and meticulous providence is "compatible" with voluntary choice. 68. Providence out of pity for mankind[/providence.html], has instilled a soporific charm into all tedious things. 69. WE AFFIRM that inspiration, strictly speaking, applies only to the autographic text of Scripture, which in the providence of God can be ascertained from available manuscripts with great accuracy. 70. I was recently interviewed on an early morning radio show that aired in Providence , Rhode Island. 71. Cavalier FC is a Bahamian football club based in the capital Nassau, which currently plays New Providence Football League. 72. Disease is not sent by God . It is not a visitation of Providence. 73. The earth temperature rised 0. 6 centidegree last century, the consequent many visitation of providence was gemination increasing by storm, flood, and drought. 74. She's been at Madagascar, and a Malabar , and Surinam, and Providence, and Portobello. 75. So bound home from Providence alone, I was groaning to myself on the train. 76. The cunning female moneylender suggested that they let Providence decide the matter. 77. All that Providence required in order to make Waterloo the end of Austerlitz was a little more rain, and a cloud traversing the sky out of season sufficed to make a world crumble.