快好知 kuaihz

31. Judge William Hannah jailed him for 12 months and disqualified him from driving for six months. 32. Facts: pleaded guilty to robbery, having a firearm with intent and driving while disqualified. 33. The court held that they were intentionally homeless and so disqualified. 34. He was fined £500, and disqualified from holding any political office. 35. Three athletes were disqualified from the championships after failing drugs tests. 36. Lucky For ever was disqualified from fourth for interference and favored Lakota Brave was placed fourth. 37. At the time of the crash in July, he'd been disqualified from driving. 38. If you were disqualified and must pass the driving test again the two year period begins when you pass the test. 39. He was ordered to perform 160 hours community service and disqualified from driving for six months. 40. Under the rules he was deemed to have disqualified himself. 41. You will be disqualified if you step out a fourth time. 42. If you were disqualified from driving, this two year period starts when the period of disqualification has ended. 43. He was fined £250 plus £25 costs, had his licence endorsed and was disqualified for one year. 44. Any defilement disqualified them from contact with the holy things. 45. As a result, he was disqualified as a candidate, and he went to court. 46. He admitted two offences of taking a car without consent, reckless driving and driving while disqualified. 47. An already small field was further reduced when Larry Nelson was disqualified for using non-conforming clubs. 48. S 46 makes it an offence for a person to act as a charity trustee while disqualified. 49. Burgess, 21, admitted three offences of reckless driving and three of driving while disqualified. 50. Cheats will be disqualified. 51. He was sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders' institution disqualified from driving for two years. 52. He was fined a total of £300 and disqualified from driving for a year. 53. Not only did she shoot 75, she was disqualified for signing an incorrect scorecard. 54. The United States, who finished second, were disqualified for an illegal changeover. 55. Any entries made after the closing date will be disqualified. 56. He is not disqualified from taking part in refusing a certificate or in granting a certificate for other premises. 57. Henderson pleaded guilty to careless driving, driving while disqualified and without any proper insurance cover. 58. The magistrates fined her £130 and disqualified her from driving for 19 months. 59. Khatami was not disqualified by the conservative Council of Guardians, which must certify all candidates. 60. Convicted criminals in penal institutions are disqualified as are persons convicted of certain corrupt or illegal practices at elections.