快好知 kuaihz

1. He looked straight ahead and overtook a lumbering lorry. 2. Look where you're going , you lumbering great oaf! 3. The tank was lumbering up a slope. 4. Her lumbering footsteps kicked up small flurries of snow. 5. Then one day Mark was lumbering up Parliament Hill, and Babur came running up from behind. 6. Lumbering was an attack operation, as thoroughly strategic and disciplined as a military siege. 7. We chat about the lumbering, and the latest antics at Mount Blue, in my neck of the woods. 8. It approaches Rome, lumbering up the Appian Way, doubling its size every few minutes. 9. A large, lumbering man, who fumbled through the ankle-deep water without grace. 10. The lumbering Swordfish, caught from above, were shot down to the last plane in one swift attack. 11. There are forests here, and lumbering is very important. 12. Continuous lumbering has changed this place into bare mountains. 13. There are forests here, and lumbering is important. 14. There are forests here, and lumbering is very. 15. See that pile of lumbering by the barn? 16. Once a lumbering center, it now has varied industries. 17. Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries. 18. The exploitative activities of this region include farming, lumbering and mining. 19. States are lumbering dinosaurs that take years to adapt to change. 20. Short - sighted action of lumbering in a destructive manner destroys vegetation, and causes soil erosion. 21. The lumbering, Luddite world of automobiles has a special attraction for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. 22. In the distance, we could see a herd of elephants lumbering across the plain. 23. Finally, he shows off the pioneer wagon, a huge lumbering cart drawn by oxen. 24. The decision making process can be likened to one of those great lumbering steam locomotives seen in Western films. 25. We desperately need to develop new situational value systems, otherwise we are tied to lumbering dogma or immediate gain or defensiveness. 26. After she had oiled the hinges, she paused a moment before lumbering up the stairs. 27. The Blackbird, introduced in 1964 and retired in 1990, was the antithesis of a lumbering, earthbound oxcart. 28. Much easier to photograph were the giant tortoises which were lumbering around like tanks in the undergrowth. 29. Although physically perfect for the role, his clumsy facial expressions make him a lumbering presence in Lilliput. 30. The mining industry was outpaced for a time by lumbering.