快好知 kuaihz

61 A friendly look with wrong facial expression can then turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understoon as unfriendliness . 62 In the evening sun, the land seemed as arid as a moonscape, dotted by chalky hillocks and ringed by unfriendly cliffs. 63 Ten "unfriendly " witnesses refused to answer questions about their political affiliations and were cited for contempt of Congress. 64 Any country has the right to lay an embargo on the sale of consumer goods to unfriendly nations. 65 Cycling all around the city for about 30 min, we finally find a guesthouse, with an unfriendly owner or middle man. 66 And this glowing pumpkin head has come a long way from the carved turnip lantern once used to frighten away unfriendly ghosts . 67 Suppose that you have been stranded in a village in an unfriendly kingdom. 68 Tacitus (a historian in Roman) tells us that in the time of Agricola, the Britons who were unfriendly toward the language of their conquerors, now became eager to speak it. 69 The policies of turning tillable fields into economic development zones have been severely criticised and regarded as environmentally unfriendly. 70 Sauvignon Blanc is a good match for the ham and the asparagus, a notoriously wine - unfriendly ingredient. 71 Betide what may, we will not despair, were the world never so unfriendly. 72 The people were as haggard , shapeless , and dreary as the countryside, and as unfriendly. 73 At my school, it isn't one gossiping meanie, or two gossiping meanies, but three-count'tem, three-girls who make it their life's work to say unfriendly stuff about pretty much everybody! 74 Rajoy said at a press conference held in Madrid that Morocco's decision to send troops to Perejil was an "unfriendly act" that violated the friendship treaty the two countries signed in 1991.