快好知 kuaihz

1. Their hostile looks showed that he was unwelcome. 2. He parried the unwelcome question very skilfully. 3. I felt that we were unwelcome. 4. Your kindness is unwelcome. 5. The media has brought more unwelcome attention to the Royal Family. 6. There was more unwelcome news waiting for me at the office. 7. It's a not unwelcome piece of news. 8. They perceived that they were unwelcome and left. 9. He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome. 10. There has been an unwelcome recrudescence of racist attacks. 11. She was, quite deliberately, making him feel unwelcome. 12. She rejected his unwelcome advances. 12.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 13. A colleague made unwelcome sexual advances towards her. 14. Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders. 15. They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours. 16. We told her roundly that she was unwelcome. 17. A most unwelcome event claimed his attention. 18. To avoid attracting unwelcome attention he kept his voice down. 19. We got rid of our unwelcome guests by saying we had to go to bed. 20. A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him. 21. She felt the journey to be an unwelcome imposition on her time. 22. The transaction included a most unwelcome preliminary. 23. In November, one unwelcome factor featured in the campaign. 24. It is an unwelcome symptom of very tough times. 25. Here prescription from the centre is most unwelcome. 26. He was pleased to be able to fling off such an unwelcome responsibility. 27. I appreciate that from your point of view it's an unwelcome development. 28. She was forced to face up to a few unwelcome truths about her family. 29. The people in the room seemed to regard her as an unwelcome intruder. 30. But the prospect of a Hollywood spin on Che was unwelcome.