快好知 kuaihz

1. She suffers from bouts of lethargy and depression. 2. She was suddenly overcome by lethargy. 3. After the meal, I could feel lethargy overtaking me. 4. New mothers often complain of lethargy and mild depression. 5. Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy. 6. He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article. 7. The report criticizes the lethargy shown by employers when it comes to job creation. 8. In children with vomiting, inconsolable screaming or lethargy. 9. Like his teammates, Henderson had moments of lethargy and sloppy play. 10. It leads to a lethargy I think we do better without. 11. Safety and lethargy are two words barely acknowledged by the distinguished traveller, Wilfred Thesiger. 12. One member shone out from this picture of lethargy and petty corruption. 13. Another common symptom of a hangover is lethargy and muscular weakness. 14. Apart from over-sleepiness, symptoms include: lethargy, overeating, depression, social problems and loss of libido. 16. Sleep deprivation can cause stress, loss of appetite and lethargy. 17. He felt that he had to drag himself out of his lethargy and begin to write. 18. If there is also drowsiness, severe headache, stiffness of the neck or severe lethargy. 19. It was possible, of course, that Stillman was merely biding his time, lulling the world into lethargy before striking. 20. No time for insomnia, backaches, headaches, indigestion or general lethargy. 21. The older medicines often cause serious and bothersome side effects such as shaking, rigidity and lethargy. 22. When they first appear, internal rivalries and conflicts often seem a welcome alternative to the collective lethargy they have displaced. 23. In general the colonial revolution has helped to overcome lethargy and the feeling of political impotence. 24. Helplessly she blinked up at him, feeling a slow lethargy creep through her whole body. 25. It is not unusual for new mothers to go to the doctor complaining of tiredness, lethargy, and mild depression. 26. Once down in the snow he was overtaken by a heavy lethargy. 27. Sabour was an eddy of life in the midst of a sea of lethargy. 28. If the conscious level of the patient is affected - drowsiness, confusion, lethargy and unresponsiveness. 29. They might follow the latest controversy in the newspapers, but there is peace, and often lethargy, in their parishes. 30. As dieting progresses, the feeling hardens into voracious hunger; restlessness gives way to energy-conserving lethargy.