快好知 kuaihz

1. The stone struck her on the forehead. 2. The clock has just struck twelve. 3. She struck him on the nose. 4. He struck out at his wife. 5. Misfortune struck early in the voyage. 6. The ship struck against the rocks and sank. 7. After drilling for several weeks they finally struck oil. 8. The cold wind struck through my clothes. 9. Two torpedoes struck below the waterline. 10. He was struck down three times on the ring. 11. An idea suddenly struck me. 12. The big tree was struck by lightning. 13. The band struck up the wedding march. 14. He struck me with his fist. 15. His head had struck the sink and was bleeding. 16. He's struck by his father. 16.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 17. I struck him on his nose. 18. He struck me while I was off guard. 19. He was struck with the beauty of scenery. 20. The tree was struck by lightning. 21. They struck a rich seam of iron ore. 22. We were all struck dumb with amazement. 23. He struck me with a stick. 24. The injury jinx has struck Real Madrid. 25. The serial rapist has struck again. 26. We were immediately struck by this city's holiness. 27. I struck at him on his head. 28. The first English gold coin was struck in 1255. 29. He struck the hooligan down with his fist. 30. He struck a match reignited the fuse.