快好知 kuaihz

1. His article is stuffed with cliche. 2. Cliche is a feature of bad journalism. 3. The article collapses under the sheer weight of cliche. 4. To use a well-worn cliche, it is packed with information. 5. I've learned that the cliche about life not being fair is true. 6. His article is stuffed with cliche & 1 & . 7. It's a cliche to say that science is associated with masculinity and the arts with femininity. 8. She trotted out the old cliche that 'a trouble shared is a trouble halved.' 9. It has become a cliche to say that Prague is the most beautiful city in Europe. 10. He must be a fixture of the cliche. 11. A poignant but erroneous cliche has made its way into journalism over the past few years. 12. It is also a cliche that computers are incapable of creative thought - in other words, imagination. 13. It has become a cliche to say that presidential candidates are being marketed like bars of soap and boxes of cereal. 14. Leaders who confuse vision with cliche, however, betray their own ignorance of the human part of performance and change challenges. 15. The cliche is never more true than in the black and white morality of the technicolour red-blooded Western movie. 16. It's a cliche to say people are living in fear, but sadly it's all too true in Larne. 17. It'sound cliche, but thi is a biggie. 18. He talks uninterestingly in boring cliche & 1 & s. 19. I hate to cite a cliche, but Dad on the streets? 20. You should always try to avoid the use of cliche. 21. Life is not composed by aphorism, how can we decorate it with pompous cliche & 1 & s? I send you my most sincere greeting in silence. 22. Nothing is more completely accepted in the conventional wisdom than the cliche that economic life is endlessly and inherently uncertain. 23. On a global level, it also strikes me that the circus metaphor is in danger of becoming an exhausted cliche. 24. We in the news media help to perpetuate the erroneous cliche. 25. I was waiting with bated breath for him to say something, anything, that wasn't a cliche. 26. He is also, by mere association with drug charges, a cliche. 27. In this domain it serves, to use the unavoidable cliche, merely as a rubber stamp. 28. The songs popular with youth, you may have noticed, belie the old Tin Pan Alley cliche that a hit can't be MADE on the theme of married love. 29. Truffaut's freeze frame at the end of "The 400 Blows" (1959) became a cliche. 30. "A passport to a brighter future": it sounds like a worn-out advertising slogan, but for once the cliche has substance.