快好知 kuaihz

61. But there is some concern that melatonin may affect the female reproductive system. 62. Their willingness to compromise their reproductive purity is a great help in understanding what keeps the various kinds apart. 63. Another change within the last 200 years is in the field of reproductive biology. 64. They can go through a reproductive cycle in as little as two weeks. 65. Damage to an animal affects less of his reproductive potential as age increases. 66. Without our reproductive system, there would be no life, so they can hardly be unimportant. 67. Women have rarely had an incentive to seek success of that kind, for their reproductive success depended on other things. 68. This feature is thought to be related to the reproductive cycle. 69. Genetic counselling was sought by all nine families, but it is still too soon to comment on their reproductive choices. 70. With so many just entering their reproductive years, population is destined to in-crease for decades more. 71. And it may perform this stupendous reproductive feat annually for thirty or forty years. 72. Even low level exposure is known to interfere with the immune and reproductive systems. 73. Though there are skirmishes even yet, our rights as women will eventually be honored, including our rights to reproductive autonomy. 74. Feminism is pro-woman rather than pro-abortion; we have always argued for freedom of reproductive choice. 75. In good feeding conditions wider ranging groups occurs, evidently for reproductive reasons. 76. However, the long-term outlook for reproductive function is poor in patients who conceive before they have fully recovered from their illness. 77. Biased estimates of variation in reproductive success may also cause the effects of particular phenotypic traits on reproductive success to be overestimated. 78. Fitness differences are best understood as reproductive expectancy differences analogous to normalized life expectancy differences. 79. They can be marked out in genetic terms, as reproductive units, isolated from each other. 80. Altman focused on females in the troop, because it is easier to monitor their reproductive success reliably than that of males. 81. Attention will be oriented to the imagery and assumptions about reproductive physiology on which methods of contraception and their evaluation are based. 82. He can, however, improve his reproductive performance by mating with another female. 83. How do they arrange the patterning of their domestic environment, their settlements, their houses, their productive and reproductive activities? 84. This symposium will address the question of effects of chemical substances on reproductive systems to both females and males. 85. To understand it, it is necessary to make a distinction be-tween the direct and indirect influence religion has on reproductive behavior. 86. But in some cases the necessary basic information is lacking; for example, the reproductive rate of some whales is unknown. 87. In the last part of the century we squandered our energy on endless quarreling over reproductive rights, women bitterly against women. 88. Others suggested that because of its rigid op-position to birth control, the Church had forfeited its credibility in the reproductive debate. 89. Moreover, female well-being was defined in terms congruent with both women's reproductive function and ideal feminine behaviour. 90. Ownership Specific economic conditions are a further decisive factor in the new reproductive technologies.