快好知 kuaihz

121 The study linked the increase directly to the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl. 122 The new ingredient in the assessment of how many deaths the Windscale cloud caused is the radioactive isotope, polonium 210. 123 She could hear the adjacent streetlight sizzling like a radioactive isotope. 124 There has been growing concern among Polynesians about radioactive pollution of the area. 125 The new law expressly forbids the importation of radioactive waste. 126 Traces of radioactive contamination were found on the flask when it was being washed after arrival. 127 The building is now unoccupied, and all radioactive or hazardous materials have been removed. 128 Radioactive waste needs to be stored for 25,000 years before it is harmless. 129 Radiation is released during the handling and treatment of radioactive materials and as they are transported to and from nuclear sites. 130 The process leaves behind a highly radioactive liquor as a waste product. 131 Officials have still to decide how the radioactive dust and nuclear fuel inside should be cleaned up. 132 The simplest radioactive methods are based on decay of a radioactive isotope into a stable one. 133 The kind of radioactive waste they are handling out there is the most dangerous kind. 134 So far environmental lobbies have been extremely reluctant to allow radioactive materials to be flown in a chemical rocket. 135 The third isotope of hydrogen, hydrogen-3 or tritium, is highly radioactive and has a very short half-life. 136 Officials hope to avoid rupturing any fuel rods, which could release deadly radioactive gas into the containment building. 137 Agreement was only reached following a fierce debate over the question of radioactive waste. 138 One becquerel is equal to one radioactive decay per second. 139 Around 100 submarines withdrawn from service are moored at sea because there are no facilities for treating their radioactive components. 140 This was considered a safety precaution, since the rods are hot in temperature as well as radioactive. 141 Size markers are drawn on the gel using radioactive ink. 142 Helium is also made by radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, both of which decay by emission of alpha particles.http:// 143 Millstone has removed all the radioactive fuel in the reactor to permit repairs. 144 These secretive facilities house the deadly legacies of the Cold War: nuclear weapons, radioactive waste and toxic chemicals. 145 The issue of dumping radioactive waste overshadowed the final phase of the negotiations and nearly caused them to break down. 146 I heard new vocabulary: nuclear bomb, radioactive fallout, bomb shelter. 147 The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive decay and emits argon gas. 148 In its native state it is a mixture of highly radioactive uranium-235 and less active U-238. 149 This meets the growing need to improve geoscience knowledge relevant to strategies for subsurface disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes. 150 In general, how-ever, these problems pale to insignificance compared to the problem of radioactive waste disposal.