快好知 kuaihz

1. Short pleasure, long lament. 2. Ken began to lament the death of his only son. 3. He composed a lament to the dead soldier. 4. A lone piper played a lament. 5. The children lament the death of their mother. 6. The whole play can be interpreted as a lament for lost youth. 7. She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's. 8. Those who lament that Berlin never wrote a great treatise miss the point. 9. Some of the Internet old-timers lament the inevitable change that commercialization will wreak on the unique subculture. 10. A heartfelt lament and positive proof that Morrissey's voice is indeed a valuable instrument. 11. Crossing in Force 9 winds led me to lament the absence of a grab-rail in the shower. 12. I know those tenement-lined streets invite a nostalgic lament for the loss of community. 13. What a dismal, doleful, baleful lament of a speech we had from him. 14. The Farous' lament came to an end and the boy punched the tape out of its slot. 15. Experts lament that neither the central government nor most states have agencies dedicated to disaster planning. 16. Nigel Mansell will defy critics who lament his departure from Formula One and make a success of Indy 500. 17. There will be traditionalists who lament the change, but the company's founder was no traditionalist. 18. People lament the passing of the good old days. 19. It is the lament of an impoverished peasant. 20. I lament the loss of humanity in some people. 21. We lament ( over ) his death. 22. A mariachi band approaches and launches into a lively lament on what it is to be alone and without love. 23. More than offer: I had barely mentioned what my book was about when her lament came pouring out. 24. It decided to add the skate park early last year after listening to local teen-agers lament having nowhere to skate. 25. On trips organised for food writers, public perfidy is a popular lament. 26. For those willing to plan ahead however, this is nothing to lament. 27. This song, which has become almost the national anthem of Oc, is a secret lament for the Cathar Church. 28. However, it is clear that the technologist who replies to the conservationist's lament is not an alternative technologist. 29. Brueggemann then contrasts the pit imagery with that of the wing, which also occurs in these psalms of lament. 30. Somewhere somebody was playing a pipe, a sad fluting lament in the hot air.