快好知 kuaihz

1. The room is divided by movable screens. 2. It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs. 3. The lower jaw is movable. 4. Christmas is fixed, but Easter is a movable feast. 5. Easter is a movable feast. 6. The eyes of shrimps are on movable stalks. 7. They suggested movable walls and cubicles. 8. A consent, however, is a movable threshold. 9. The manufacture of the books that fill the movable shelves was often fraught with technical problems. 10. What was being built was the largest movable structure that had ever been created. 11. The plains are movable, subject to wind, water and grazing. 12. A birthday is a movable feast as the round of years is wholly unrelated to the seasons. 13. As we saw earlier, the furniture is movable and group-oriented, and materials are meant to be shared. 14. MOVABLE CONTACT: Copper alloy, gold plate over nickel plate. 15. Melt chamber designed movable in vertical and transversal directions. 16. The movable control element of such a device. 17. a doll with a movable head. 18. Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields. 19. A connecting line is connected with the movable pulley. 20. MOVABLE CONTACT: Beryllium copper alloy, gold over nickel plate. 21. MOVABLE CONTACT: Tin bronze, silver plated. 22. MOVABLE CONTACT: Copper alloy, silver plated. 23. Movable type doctor blade , transverse reciprocating motion. 24. A movable stand or cupboard containing a washbowl. 25. Death, in so far as it was possible in a face with no movable features, looked surprised. 26. What is even more important, the dislocation turns out to be movable. 27. Oil this one the four people were deployed around the movable stairs of a just-arrived plane. 28. They differ from cuticular processes in containing a definite extension of the body cavity and in some cases they are freely movable. 29. Well, at the morning room end, there would be a small orchestra, on a specially built, movable dais. 30. This may be no more than a judgement of which line on a graduated scale a movable needle is nearest to.