快好知 kuaihz

1. Many poor countries are abandoning autocracy. 2. The revolution caused the overthrow of the autocracy. 3. Autocracy often causes the people to revolt. 4. And that would imply either anarchy or autocracy. 5. The best insurance against autocracy is to diffuse power as much as possible throughout society. 6. These-spells of autocracy were once frequently longer and of indefinite duration, sometimes, indeed, extending over decades. 7. The policies and attitudes of the autocracy virtually ruled out the emergence of a moderate, reformist labour movement. 8. Nevertheless, the fortress of autocracy had been breached and liberal pressure for further reform could be expected to gather momentum. 9. The potential victims of this autocracy were not only liberal democratic values, but also effective government. 10. Germany under Adolf Hitler was an autocracy. 11. Government or rule by a person ; autocracy. 12. There is no sanction for autocracy. 13. Republic and Autocracy, A Genetic Differentiating of the Cultural crypto-genes between the Ancient Rome and China. 14. She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy. 15. The affair was venerated by later revolutionaries as the opening round in their battle against the autocracy. 16. In the first place, the fact that his value system was centred upon the principle of autocracy was hardly fortuitous. 17. Is it a modern, corporatist version of the old patrimonial autocracy? 18. Trade unions implied a host of civil rights, beginning with freedom of association, which were incompatible with autocracy. 19. Without proper interrogation and criticism, government leans away from democracy towards autocracy. 20. Democratic principles would, of course, take time to percolate through a population accustomed to autocracy. 21. But these delicate flowers of parliamentary politics could not blossom in the climate of autocracy. 22. However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy. 23. It drove the bourgeoisie, despite their interest in political and economic reform, into closer and closer collusion with the autocracy. 24. Nor did they see any future in piecemeal political reform of the autocracy. 25. In other words, subordinates are unsettled by a boss who chops and changes between autocracy, persuasion, consultation and democracy. 26. It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people, the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy. 27. The financial, like every other department of administration under the autocracy, differed in its leading features from that of the Principate . 28. Government by law is always integrated with democracy as government by the indi- vidual is with autocracy. 29. As a result, Georgia may now live precariously in the nether region between Russian autocracy and European liberalism. 30. After the seizure of power in 1917 it became imbued with the tradition of Russian autocracy.