快好知 kuaihz

1, Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans. 2, the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature. 3, He received only a paltry £25 a day. 4, She made some paltry excuse and left. 5, This account offers a paltry 1% return on your investment. 6, The company offered Jeremy a paltry sum which he refused. 7, Their paltry and insignificant level has already been considered. 8, Club owners in Kansas City paid paltry wages to jazz musicians but gave them steady work. 9, Last year workers were offered a paltry raise of only one percent. 10, They paid paltry wages to jazz musicians but gave them steady work and much freedom over what they played. 11, Cover is a paltry three bucks, and further questions can be answered by calling 622-8848. 12, A paltry 5 % reduction of the 1990 level has been set, but by when? 13, Little of these paltry sums is likely to be new money, most being sliced off existing allocations. 14, With commitment and amounts of cash that seemed paltry when compared with government defence budgets, that problem could be solved. 15, This littleness is at once paltry and menacing and never in repose. 16, But the pay is paltry compared with the hundreds that can be made on a good day of lobstering. 17, But aside from Evita City, there is paltry physical evidence of her existence. 18, Paltry charges, it would seem, for so celebrated a spook. 19, There was something paltry about it , after all. 20, They believe they're playing a zero-sum game,[http:///paltry.html] where both must compete for the same paltry resources. 21, And it approves 2.5m applications to stay a year: Britain lets in a paltry 129,000. 22, What kind of kidnapper would sit down and write a three-page ransom note demanding a paltry $ 118, 000? 23, The site will open in November with a rather paltry 100 tracks available for download. 24, Even during the bubble years of the early 1990s, its average annual growth rate was a paltry 2. 7 percent. 25, Many of the workers in the factory received a paltry $2 a day. 26, The burst of issuance yesterday followed a slow start Tuesday and Wednesday, when new borrowing was paltry. 27, That is why men and women come on these schemes for such a paltry sum. 28, Yet by the standards of current advertising and sponsorship the sums involved and the use made of sport by advertisers was paltry. 29, But the total amount of helium-3 in Uranus and Neptune is vastly larger than this paltry sum. 30, But for government bureaucrats the privileges more than compensate for their paltry official salaries of a few hundred dollars a month.