快好知 kuaihz

31 The poem contains a bleak prophecy of war and ruin. 32 The cafe was a bleak, concrete erection with plastic tables and chairs. 33 The characters in his novels inhabit a bleak and hopeless universe. 34 That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen. 35 The film paints a bleak picture of life in the inner city. 36 The report paints an unnecessarily bleak picture of the town. 37 It's a bleak look - out for the coal industry as the number of pit closures increases. 38 I stared through the bleak darkness. 39 It looks pretty bleak for avocado growers here. 40 The bleak landscape wouldn't be different at all. 41 Against this bleak backdrop, there are rays of hope. 42 His face was as bleak as the frost. 43 The snow-covered coast looked bleak and uninviting. 44 The prospects for the immediate future are bleak. 45 The wild landscape was bleak and bare. 46 The future looked bleak and barren. 47 Many predicted a bleak future. 48 In 1950 the economic picture had looked very bleak. 49 To the outward eye he was austere, even bleak. 50 Sometimes my self-pity billowed into bleak,[www.] inconsolable despair. 51 His prospects of finding another job are bleak. 52 Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas. 53 The future looked bleak for the Democratic party. 54 They live in a block of flats on a bleak council estate. 55 A bleak scene outside where it was raining hard, and he felt bleak inside. 56 It may well be this bleak prospect that has spawned the flurry of books about Yiddish in recent years. 57 Maybe in the bleak light of dawn Kathy arranged a pile of twigs on the beach. 58 Now the hard working couple say they face a miserable Christmas and a bleak future. 59 In the background the bleak, craggy, high Andes landscape of Potosi - the mining heartland they are abandoning. 60 Prospects were bleak a year ago at Thornaby Impasse after it failed to secure funding.