快好知 kuaihz

(121) On the other side stood a gibbet, a decaying corpse dangling from it by a worn hemp rope . (122) Everyone had tentacles smothering their faces and dangling down their necks like fleshy snake beards, even the women and children were not exempt from this disfiguration . (123) It looks like you've got weights dangling from your dangler . (124) Keeping the needs of an iPod user in mind, Jordan later added a patented system to keep wires from dangling off clothing and getting tangled in a doorjamb or other device. (125) Coordinating conjunctions are meant to join words, phrases, and clauses; a coordinating conjunction is left dangling without a role to play when it comes at the beginning of a sentence. (126) However, it is the interaction of these two functions and using a global pointer variable called namestr that causes both the leak and the dangling pointer. (127) DAY 752 - captors continue to taunt me with bizarre dangling objects. (128) Several more arrows and a bow of slim, dark wood lay strewn on the turf beneath his dangling feet. (129) A manservant , Lotung, who was the brother of Lota, sat on the outside in Mr. Yao's cart, one leg crossed on the shaft and one left dangling. (130) He sat on edge of the table dangling his legs. (131) Huck was sitting on the gunwale of a flatboat, listlessly dangling his feet in the water and looking very melancholy. (132) Dangling Participle is a complicated language phenomenon caused by omission. (133) Beautiful girls always seen to have lots of men dangling about. (134) The dangling crystals create a sensual movement and understated elegance. (135) Don't keep me dangling; tell me if I passed the test. (136) I have this image of a fat little man in baggy Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and a straw hat with beer-can openers dangling from it, clutching fistfuls of dollars. (137) Headlight dangling due to plastic snapping . Because part was not replaced properly. (138) Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling the carrot of higher allowance. (139) I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs edge, feeling more rootless felt. (140) The code shown in Listing 1 shows both a memory leak and a dangling pointer. (141) Lettuce, herbs, bok choi and kale can all be grown this way. The plants float on a foam sheet, their roots dangling into the water below. (142) Pausing at mid-scan of a stack could cause stores to be lost track of or missed during two partial scans, creating a dangling pointer within the heap. (143) Wind the dangling floss around the middle finger of the other hand. (144) The relocation of objects is done programmatically: This pointer manipulation opens the door to problems of duplication and dangling pointers. (145) Lotung, who was the brother of Lota, sat on the outside in Mr. Yao's cart,[www.] one leg crossed on the shaft and one left dangling. (146) With approximation of single dangling bond, the positions of Fermi level and the electron densities have been calculated for two groups of amorphous semiconductors. (147) To see you dangling after me everywhere, like a tantony pig. (148) When her white and slim fingers moved the firewood, her eardrops were dangling along with her movement, intoxicating. (149) After deleting pointer, the pointer becomes what is referred to as a dangling pointer. (150) Snowy days, icicles dangling from the eaves, crisp air, and outdoor activities like tobogganing, skiing or ice skating are all reminders of the enchantment of the season.