快好知 kuaihz

241, It is my honour to toast the bride and groom on this auspicious occasion. 242, He remembers the school assembly when the honour was announced. 243, Few men have the Natural strength to honour a friend's success without envy.Aeschylus 244, Had she really been sent to him by the spirit of True Valiance himself, to test his chivalry and honour? 245, In effect, then, chapter 11 says it is better to keep a firm running than to honour debt agreements. 246, It is right that they should be given a place of honour in the history of ancient art. 247, We consider it a great honour for all members of the band and bugles. 248, Would you desire the honour of your own cheek being blemished by Biff? 249, Fifty four years later the boys and their families came together again to honour their benefactors in the garden at the Manor. 250, What finer sepulchre of honour could any Marine ever aspire to? 251, Thaksin needs a large amount of funds if he is to honour the populist promises that got him elected. 252, The honour was historically linked with the honour of Pontefract and together they formed a single trans-Pennine power bloc. 253, In thy face I see the map of honour, truth and loyalty.William Shakespeare 254, They were more anxious to escape criticism than to honour Martin. 255, They enjoyed the greetings of people in the street and they loved places of honour at banquets. 256, She was still at an age when honour, bravery and loyalty outweigh results. 257, In a traditional adventure story the pursuit of personal honour is drawn to an absolute conclusion.