快好知 kuaihz

121. It's always awkward when you meet someone you know, but you can't remember their name. 122. She handled the awkward situation with her usual quiet diplomacy. 123. If he persists in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss. 124. They always seemed a little awkward with each other, a bit stiff and formal. 125. Everyone knows what's best for him or herself. He/she or he can also be used in writing:If in doubt, ask your doctor. He/she can give you more information. These uses can seem awkward when they are used a lot. It is better to try to change the sentence, using a plural noun. Instead of saying:A baby cries when he or she is tired you can say Babies cry when they are tired. 126. She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watching her. 127. I'm sorry to call at such an awkward time but I won't keep you a minute. 128. Stop being so awkward! 129. The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle. 130. I realized they wanted to be alone together so I felt very awkward. 131. The police asked some awkward questions about where the money had come from. 132. She's got to an age where she is being awkward. 133. They'd chosen an awkward time to call as I'd just got into the bath. 134. His gangling, awkward gait has earned him the name Spiderman. 135. Jon has mutated from an awkward teenager into a sophisticated young man. 136. It was a stroke of genius on my part to avoid such awkward questions. 137. If they ask any awkward questions, just let me do the talking. 138. All children go through an awkward stage at some time. 139. Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you'reshooting a low-level subject. 140. Everyone is like a butterfly, they start out ugly and awkward and then morph into beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves.Drew Barrymore 141. People are like moths. First they are ugly and awkward, until they break out of their shell and become a beautiful butterfly.Drew Barrymore 142. Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.Brian Tracy 143. He smiled in an awkward almost apologetic way. 144. Gergory Bateson's awkward classic, " Naven " , is a study of ritual among a New Guinea people. 145. Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places. 146. And it was no longer the same cramped, awkward handwriting as before. 147. She carried her left arm at an awkward angle, as if it were causing her discomfort. 148. Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting, There were no awkward silences. 149. Over drinks , though , years of easy online banter and Durham in - jokes are replaced by awkward silences. 150. Gergory Bateson's awkward classic, Naven , a study of ritual among a New Guinea people.