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(121) Each group is named after a fictional character like Mickey Mouse. (122) By 1968, Engelbart had already made two startlingly original breakthroughs in the embryonic art of personal computing-the mouse and windows. (123) If you can connect to the world with the click of a mouse, is everyone a neighbor? (124) Or a cat will bring home a live mouse to teach her kittens how to catch it. (125) The first slide showed a normal-size mouse eating a balanced diet of lab food pellets. (126) Oct-11a is located in a region of mouse chromosome 9 homologous with the long arm of human chromosome 11. (127) Double-click - A mouse procedure where the left-hand mouse button is pressed twice in quick succession. (128) From Sunday lunch-time to breakfast today, their mountain of prevaricating committees have laboured without bringing forth even a mouse. (129) The difficulty is best explained by contrast with a eukaryotic species - for example the house mouse, Mus musculus. (130) He was a pleasant chap with blond curls and a Mickey Mouse tee shirt on. (131) Underneath the bar graph are listed the inbred mouse strains or transgenics from which the analysis was made. (132) Using a mouse is very convenient - but some might prefer the keyboard. (133) Nuclei were isolated from cell lines or spleen from transgenic animals or inbred mouse strains. (134) It is possible to use the arrow keys if you do not have a mouse but this is rather slow and tedious. (135) Show Menu Move mouse over molecule, click and hold mouse button and wait. (136) The mouse allows you to click the notes into position on the stave and saves a lot of keying time. (137) This is done by clicking the mouse pointer either on the top right-hand upward pointing arrow or the extreme top left-hand dash. (138) Thousands of kids have used the computer mouse to click on objects on the computer screen and watch them move. (139) Pull down menus offer easy access to the multitude of facilities and options can be selected by mouse or keyboard. (140) Using the arrow keys or mouse, you are then able to move the outlined shape around the stitch pattern. (141) Was it a signal-like jungle drums-to try to contact another mouse? (142) Each Mouse Alert system comprises a network of up to 360 strategically placed infra-red electronic sensor boxes. (143) If clicking on the link starts your player, from the mouse menu. (144) In practice it works a bit like flicking through a huge magazine by clicking on links with your mouse. (145) Anyone can access a large number of atomic databases on the Internet with a mouse click. (146) A paper suggested that, in keeping with the selection of the management team, Mickey Mouse should be adopted as the official mascot. (147) The present is the mouse running from the shadow the hawk casts on the earth, and sometimes it escapes. (148) Display peak value Move mouse over a peak, click the LEFT mouse button. (149) Mass Downloader is particularly nice, as it integrates into your mouse button menu. (150) Move back to the Program Manager, highlight the Legato icon with a single mouse click, and press the Delete key.