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(61) So gestation wardship, risk forecast and treatment are crucial for SLE woman to go through gestation safely . (62) Hypophysectomy before implantation terminates pregnancy and after the 44th day of gestation causes abortion in the goat. (63) Nuchal scan is performed between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation, because the accuracy is best in this period. (64) Objective To investigate the status of iodine nutritional status and thyroid function in the first trimester gestation after universal salt iodization. (65) Frogleg position in a preterm infant of 31 weeks gestation, 2 weeks after birth. (66) Pregnant woman is done not have originallyDiabetic, gestation, appear in gravid metaphase or later period normallyDiabetic, call gravidDiabetic. (67) A female gulper shark, for example, takes between 12 and 15 years toreach sexual maturity. A pregnant female gives birth to a single pupafter a gestation period of about two years. (68) Results Most fetal anomalies of multiparous pregnancy detected by ultrasonography in the second trimester gestation. (69) The paper mainly introduced the mechanism of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis in uterus and placenta during early gestation and some influence factors. (70) Conclusion Exposure of fenvalerate in gestation has some influence on the reproductive system of male offspring rats, and can significantly affect the activities of enzymes in testis. (71) The gestation of demand cone of broad sense is led by technological innovation. That is that continuous viviparity is promoted technological innovation. (72) Keepers said Asian elephants have the longest gestation period - at 22 months - of any animal in the world. (73) Crystal trichosanthin and prednisonum were employed to treat 43 cases of ectopic gestation. (74) The episode was close correlated with age, job, marriage, status, culture degree, family population, economic income, times of gestation and parity, menorrhea and whether or not take hormone. (75) We report a rare case of a 26-year-old primigravida at 34 weeks' gestation complicated with malignant lymphoma presenting as severe dyspnea and orthopnea. (76) In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium . (77) From the plan gestation to the project implement, the high rank leaders of government clearly showed the stand "southwardly expanding the Changsha, hand-to-hand with the Zhuzhou and Xiangtan ". (78) A fetus of 20 weeks gestation or a fetus weighing 500 gm is considered abortus. (79) Congenital rachitic call again fetal period rachitic, namely of the child rachitic had happened between gestation. (80) Objective To discuss the effect of combination of mifepristone and ethacridine used in moderate gestation induced labor. (81) Despite obstetric advances, pre - term birth - before 37 weeks of gestation - remains a major problem. (82) The curves of the normal mean values of urinary E_3 and E_3/C ratio from 20th to 42nd weeks of gestation were established. (83) When pregnant sows are ready to give birth, they are moved from a gestation crate to a farrowing crate. (84) In the first 20 weeks of gestation, neural development of the fetus is mostly dependent on thyroxin from the mother. (85) Objective treatment for acute pyelonephritis during gestation period and its influence on pregnancy ( GAPN ). (86) Gestation period of emotional, development and quarrels, rescue, love the process. (87) The fetus develops lungs relatively late in the gestation period. (88) The sex differentiation in male embryo occurrs on 36th -40th day of gestation. (89) DNA was extracted from fetuses at mid - gestation, about 10 days past conception. (90) Menses first four days shoot inside on, how big gestation probability is?