快好知 kuaihz

1, Dinnertime that day was hideous. 2, A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers. 3, They've just built some hideous new apartment blocks on the seafront. 4, She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed. 5, But was it, in fact, a hideous goof? 6, Their new colour scheme is hideous! 7, They're not like dogs; they're hideous brutes. 8, The hideous truth was hidden from the multitude. 9, I think the colour scheme they've chosen is hideous. 10, The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare. 11, She calls the new opera house ` that hideous erection '. 12, She wears the most hideous colour combinations you could ever imagine. 13, His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang. 14, To me it is a most hideous brute. 15, Hideous monsters,[http:///hideous.html] in their hordes. 16, Sicked up all over the hideous tangerine carpet. 17, Exactly how hideous had it been? 18, The hideous transit camps are emptying. 19, One of our wedding presents was a hideous clock. 20, My hideous tableau vivant, however, will function as an equally effective go-away. 21, One goes like this: He was a hideous giant named Offero, who earned a living carrying travelers across the river. 22, Every article on the breakfast table was fetched away with a hideous crash. 23, When they refused to let me leave my hotel, I thought, at first, it was all some hideous mistake. 24, And the Monster was pinching Ma's bosoms with its hideous clawed fingers so that blood squirted out. 25, He used his position as a doctor to gain their trust and then committed hideous crimes against them. 26, There they had little hope of meeting, wooing or wedding even the most hideous and unsuitable Englishwomen. 27, The Second World War, unlike the First, was a people's war waged against a hideous ideology. 28, Each of the damned souls was guarded by a group of hideous demons. 29, When insulted, they stripped to the waist, put on hideous driftwood masks and sang nasty songs at each other. 30, Grimacing, I noticed my voice was attaining characteristics of the hideous local accent-the horrifying, flat, Rochester nasal.