快好知 kuaihz

121 Institutional leaders will be those that harness a consumer triple play convergence (acquisition, retention, conversation) and cross-product, cross-channel orchestration. 122 While yet aware of the impropriety of it, Isolde and Tristan fail to harness the mounting escalating magical power of love. 123 If humans possess a similar checkpoint system and if researchers could someday harness it, they could fine-tune the rate of cellular division to control tumor development as well as tissue aging. 124 Finally, the fuel-injection system's Calibration Kit software has been updated, while the controller harness and connector have been modified for easier use. 125 Each man will work with a trainee in double harness for the next two weeks. 126 Identify the GPS wire harness coming from the gearbox, ending with the light grey connectors under the seat on the left subframe rail, and disconnect the multi-plug. 127 Hydrokinetic (wave, tidal, and current) power technologies could harness these widely available major energy sources — and mitigate climate change — in developed and developing countries alike. 128 Studying bottomland 's structure, dynamics and influences on Poyang Lake is very important to harness the Poyang Lake. 129 Two. Boat builders would suffer and towline, whip and harness makers would be left destitute. 130 TSK produces test systems and adaptation units for wire harness inspection. 131 Just Read Below To Learn How You Can Harness The Full Power of Internet Press Releases To Easily Wipe-Out Your Competition For Nearly All Of The Top Rankings You Want! 132 you ride a wave, which is constantly tumbling, and perched on top of this continually disintegrating hill of water, you harness its turbulence into forward motion. 133 If the above situation exists when working on a straight ladder, a safety harness must be worn and team leader and employee must agree on additional precautions (if any). 134 The old man says that he intends to die in harness. 135 You can rest for three or four months and then the longing for work will return and you will be right back in harness. 136 At Opera North he will be in harness with Paul Daniel, the conductor appointed music director last year. 137 Unplug the push button module wire harness connector from the trip computer, compass, and thermometer display module. 138 Because there are two types of horses, there are two kinds of harness racing: trotting or pacing. 139 You will obtain a smooth and durable flexible cable harness with overlapping bandaging with spiral bandaging. 140 But they're ideal for power-generation systems that harness the restless fury of the sea — which is why the European Marine Energy Centre has set up shop in the Orkney Islands. 141 Electric control system is the " nerve centre" of Yuchai Euro III engine which composes of sensor, controller, actuator and control cable harness. See the Figure 37. 142 At that time, the War Production Board, whose job was to harness the civilian economy to the military machine, set up a department to help improve quality in the military. 143 The main indoor wiring harness (3) is pre-sub-assembled on the sub-assembly line of the dashboard and then is installed in the finished car along with a dashboard module. 144 Through examining one aged loculus of the water factory's security, coming out the rebuild project and put up harness. 145 The order , which totaled 1870 yuan, was for 340 sets of " harness ". 146 A harness, consisting of a headstall, bit, and reins, fitted about a horse's head and used to restrain or guide the animal. 147 Well , Old Nick gave one great shake and was gone like lightning, leaving harness and cart. 148 It is possible to harness the versatile chemical properties of cyanogen azide. 149 Disengage the blower motor wire harness from the wire harness retainer. 150 Each child gets their own harness and headrest and the seat can be covered to match the car's existing fabric.