快好知 kuaihz

91. The rupture of a blood vessel usually cause the mark of a bruise. 92. don't like films that are full of blood and guts. 93. He saw there was a big hole in the back of the man's head, blood was still oozing from it. 94. Give it a sponge with a damp cloth - that will remove the blood stains. 95. She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound. 96. He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth. 97. A call for 100 bottles of blood was answered promptly. 98. Without the results of the blood test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis. 99. He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain. 100. A great spurt of blood came out of the wound. 101. Blood feuds and general gangsterism added to the local crime rate. 102. That's what we need, some new blood in the team. 103. Despite the large amount of blood, it was only a flesh wound. 104. We sweated blood to get the work finished on time. 105. Blood was oozing out of the wound on his leg. 106. He refused to imbrue his hands with the blood of more killing. 107. Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels. 108. The smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy. 109. She fainted away at the sight of her own blood. 110. The police identified the murderess from a smudge of blood on the shirt. 111. A terrifying scream in the blackness of the night made my blood run cold. 112. The clothes were ripped to shreds and covered in blood. 113. The calculating look in his eyes told of Norman blood. 114. In Britain, AIDS tests are now performed on all people who offer to become blood donors. 115. His sheet was stained with blood running from his nose. 116. The doctor stuck my finger with a needle to get blood sample. 117. After the battle, the whole field was weltering in blood. 118. At the news the old lady was so afraid that her face was drained of blood. 119. The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease. 120. I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.