快好知 kuaihz

(31) His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job. (32) He's got a nervous stammer. (33) You stammer some feeble responses by way of reply, feeling your strength ebb away until you find an excuse to leave. (34) Only his facial twitches and the ghost of an old stammer gave the lie to his calm, avuncular image. (35) The neophyte began to stammer out a reply , but fell silent. (36) In a send-up of best picture Oscar nominee "The King's Speech, " a Razzie presenter wearing a crown feigned a stammer as he read names of the worst screenplays. (37) We must not try play off the boy troubled with a stammer. (38) The boy dare not answer the questions becoz of his stammer. (39) So both stammer and stutter evolved from the same Germanic language family. (40) You can't clam up. And you don and stammer. So what's a job seeker to do? (41) The boy dare not answer the questions because of his stammer. (42) She uttered each syllable with controlled clarity, and without a splutter or stammer. (43) The bride, who first met the royal prince as a child, refused his first two proposals as she was wary of public life and worried about his moodiness and pronounced stammer. (44) When someone asks me what business I am in I become embarrassed stutter and stammer. (45) The boy dare not answer the questions benz of his stammer. (46) Before Tony could stammer out his thanks, she walked away. (47) The "R" rating was made because King George VI, played by Colin Firth, is shown swearing as he tries to overcome his stammer. (48) Mr. Richardson was so stunned that he could barely stammer thank you as Mrs. Obama scooped a helping of mushroom risotto onto his plate this month. (49) This is perhaps the proper place to relate the history of Grandet's stammer and deafness.