快好知 kuaihz

1. The invaders plunder at no allowance. 2. The thief disgorged his plunder. 3. Henry's army returned loaded down with plunder. 4. The thieves hid their plunder in the woodshed. 5. The army returned loaded down with plunder. 6. Plunder is the very nature of imperialism. 7. They loaded the carts with plunder. 8. The thieves hid their plunder in the cave. 9. She faces charges of helping to plunder her country's treasury of billions of dollars. 10. We need to put a stop to the plunder of the rain forest. 11. He would risk his life any time for plunder. 12. Plunder thus became an instrument of state. 13. It's not a case of plunder. 14. He fled the country with $600 million in plunder. 15. Because of it they simply could not plunder on ahead without thinking. 16. His long throw allowed Chris Kiwomya to plunder the opening goal after 56 minutes. 17. About 50 anti-Estrada protesters, members of Plunder Watch,[/plunder.html] outnumbered his supporters. 18. Sea battles and voyages and plunder and buried treasure and king's pardons and kidnapped wenches. 19. After all, no greedy hucksters could steal or plunder them. 20. The thieves are often armed and in some cases have killed for their plunder. 21. Residents in the villages under attack have been unable to protect their homes from plunder. 22. The future of our planet is in danger if we continue to plunder it as we do. 23. Then the Cid and his people returned to the field and began to plunder the tents. 24. All during the night thousands were out in quest of plunder. 25. But pirates lurked in the shoals of global commerce, ready to plunder the cargoes. 26. To the wealth they received from their estates and taxation, successful Merovingians could also add plunder and tribute from neighbouring peoples. 27. Poorer countries are simply a resource for big business-cheap labour, cheap dumping grounds, cheap plunder. 28. The king had at his disposal, not tax revenue, but plunder and tribute amassed through warfare. 29. It provides the stock of examples and analogies which politicians can plunder to justify policies for a novel and complex situation. 30. The pay was welcome and there might well be plunder to boot, not to mention the excitement.