快好知 kuaihz

121. We discussed the idea over a business lunch. 122. We will discuss that matter after lunch. 123. Are you ready for a spot of lunch? 124. Let's get things straight. I didn't lunch with her. 125. I met a girlfriend for lunch. 126. I usually have a sandwich for lunch. 127. I only have a snack at lunch time. 128. I'm going to have a snooze after lunch. 129. I did the shopping during my lunch hour. 130. Reichel took me out to lunch. 131. We usually have a pot roast for Sunday lunch. 132. She completely monopolized the conversation at lunch. 133. They went for a bathe before lunch. 134. The journalists were all given a freebie lunch. 135. She went out to stretch her legs after lunch. 136. I shut my office up and went for lunch. 137. We'll have a lunch after the show. 138. Botham came on to bowl after lunch. 139. They had chicken breasts for lunch. 140. I can put this lunch on my expense account. 141. They had a late lunch in a cafe. 142. I thought perhaps we'd have lunch in the garden. 143. I sometimes skip lunch if we're very busy. 144. After lunch I shall bend my steps homewards. 145. Are you free for lunch tomorrow? 146. I usually just have a sandwich for lunch. 147. After lunch he retired to his study. 148. I arranged to meet her for lunch. 149. Lunch was a grand if rather noisy affair. 150. We had travelled a fair way by lunch time.