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1. A common sign of dyslexia is that the sequencing of letters when spelling words may be incorrect. 2. Overcame childhood dyslexia to graduate second in his high - school class. 3. One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail. 4. Had some form of dyslexia or word-blindness. 5. This pattern of acquired dyslexia is in fact seen. 6. Other symptoms of dyslexia can include difficulty in writing, calculating or even understanding the spoken word. 7. Read in studio More than fifty children with dyslexia have lobbied councillors to keep their school open. 8. While causes of dyslexia remain obscure, there is growing evidence that it is neurological in nature. 9. Dyslexia may be caused by a brain abnormality involving the sense of sight. 10. The Baltimore-based society defines dyslexia as a type of learning disability that revolves around difficulty in processing language. 11. Dyslexia sufferers often write the letters of a word in reverse order. 12. This contrasts with developmental dyslexia which is an impairment, possibly congenital, in learning to read in the first place. 13. Dyslexia takes an immense toll in lost productivity, thwarted careers, frustration, depression and other behavioral problems. 14. Any claim of a new treatment for dyslexia is certain to be controversial, in part because the stakes are so high. 15. Alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one. 16. It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. 17. There are an awful lot of Luddites out there with computer dyslexia, including Yours Truly. 18. Can damaged networks, for example, help us understand reading errors experienced by humans suffering from dyslexia? 19. We will mention one, called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia. 20. The wrong approach to reading, she says, is to blame for dyslexia and word blindness. 21. This model has been extremely successful in enabling us to understand acquired dyslexia. 22. She drew the dole for more than four years after leaving school with no qualifications after suffering from dyslexia. 23. Our Skills Centre can help you with any personal study skill from time-management to overcoming dyslexia. 24. This turns out to be of major importance in dyslexia. 25. So which of these two patterns does one actually see in surface dyslexia? 26. Two approaches have been taken to the interpretation of deep dyslexia in relation to models of normal reading. 27. The Learning Support service gave me excellent help with my dyslexia. 28. And the proposals are likely to contain guidelines for teachers dealing with dyslexia and other reading problems in the classroom. 29. This is despite Wesley being severely physically handicapped, suspected of some deafness and suffering from dyslexia. 30. Which of these various possibilities provides the correct interpretation for surface dyslexia?