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31. She said the brothers would not receive additional severance for resigning from the board. 32. The company has a voluntary severance and early retirement program. 33. And companies that lay off workers would have to pay two months of severance for every year of service. 34. It is hoped that the run down can be achieved by voluntary severance and redeployment. 35. She vividly recalled the flinch Philippe registered when she asked him what a severance package for Manion might cost. 36. From that moment on, my severance with the old modes of reality was complete. 37. There will, of course, be no severance pay, and a reference is out of the question. 38. In addition, anyone forced to move more than 35 miles to another job location could quit and get severance. 39. We were relatively lucky; major plant closures require 60 days' notice, and we received severance pay. 40. Employers fear the law will mean bigger severance payments. 41. HR Manager : Yes, we offer three months severance. 42. What's new is 1.2 million in severance pay. 43. Who is H . Craig Severance? 44. Employee : Is there a severance package? 45. After severance of transverse carpal ligament and synovectomy of flexor tendons in the carpal tunnel, the outcomes were satisfactory in all the 36 cases. 46. The commencement exercise does not mean a severance of your tie to us or to the universities' tie to you. 47. Inarticle final produced has used the severance way realization the digital clock source program. 48. Many out-of-work Americans have lost unemployment and severance benefits and are depleting their savings. 49. For seafarers paid on monthly basis : a three - month severance pay based on the average wage. 50. Those laid off received their regular checks, plus vacation and severance pay. 51. The severance plan is indeed Microsoft and Yahoo a major obstacle to negotiations. 52. If you still want money, then it isn't an alimony , it's severance pay. 53. And again, never sign the severance agreement then and there. 54. The company will also provide outplacement support and severance packages for those who have to leave. 55. The exact amount of the severance pay is set by a collective agreement. 56. The maximum total severance pay required in China is three times the local average monthly wage times 12 years worked. 57. A better way to prevent Hurd from working for a competitor would have been for HP to make his severance payable over time, said Stephen Hirschfeld, an employment attorney in San Francisco. 58. Asas the change in control may be the staff severance payment scheme will be launched. 59. I'd legislatively ban employment contracts that call for huge severance payments without regard to performance. 60. Batteries also power the alternative annular cutting tool pipe severance method.