快好知 kuaihz

1. An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall. 2. The moon is in conjunction with the sun. 3. It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig. 4. The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. 5. 'Because' is a causal conjunction. 6. We are working in conjunction with the police. 7. Mars and Venus will be in exact conjunction on the first of September. 8. The worksheets are designed to be used in conjunction with the new course books. 9. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program. 10. The theory is that there was a rare conjunction of certain bright planets that created the image of the so-called 'Star of Bethlehem'. 10.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 11. The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation. 12. The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast. 13. The conjunction of heavy rains and strong winds caused flooding. 14. There is a team of writers working in conjunction on the book. 15. The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise. 16. It could only show, in conjunction with other cards. 17. David Yeomans and Alan Powers gave lectures in conjunction with their exhibitions. 18. Now we have the most attractive conjunction of home prices, incomes and interest rates since 1977. 19. These booklets and associated worksheets were used in conjunction with class visits where the librarian gave an introduction to the library. 20. They usually work best in conjunction with the two senses we can record, sound and sight. 21. The goal would be in conjunction with a goal to freeze average product-development costs at Ford at 1995 levels. 22. Next, use a hand mirror in conjunction with the wall mirror to get a back view of yourself. 23. Preliminary action was initiated in conjunction with the Strategic Study to discover more about the changing perceptions and requirements of clients. 24. In conjunction with a panel of 15 personal financial journalists, weightings were attached to these characteristics to produce an index. 25. That method is frequently used in conjunction with the schematic method of interpretation and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the literal method. 26. Increasingly U-series dates are being used in conjunction with electron spin resonance dates using the same materials. 27. Two or more sentences may be joined together by a conjunction. 28. I now have pleasure in enclosing an Information memorandum which should be read in conjunction with this letter. 29. The book was compiled by a panel of experts, working in conjunction with the publisher. 30. Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.