快好知 kuaihz

31. Are you doing that just to annoy me? 32. All of those glib egotistical talk show hosts annoy me. 33. Chris continued to annoy her with questions on totally irrelevant subjects. 34. This should annoy players who are obsessive about mapping details. 35. It will only serve to annoy the claimants' advisers and will not lead to a conducive climate for ultimate settlement. 36. But conversely, music may also distract or annoy some workers. 37. The only reason she went out with Charles was to annoy her parents. 38. The Daily News ran a poll the other day on the things that most annoy the local denizens. 39. You are not sent out for company but to annoy each other. 40. ApolloMedia operates a Web site called annoy. com, which allows browsers to send controversial postcards bearing nudity and profanities. 41. Be careful not to annoy the boss. He has a habit of losing his temper. 42. The neighbor's kid walks across our lawn just to annoy us. 43. I make fun of them, annoy them, have a joke with them. 44. He had the car heater on and the whirring as it blew out hot air was beginning to annoy him. 45. If you treat me like an ox to be bargained for, I should be the more careful not to annoy you. 46. Novels may have changed, but dropping hints about your will remains a sure-fire way to annoy your nearest and dearest. 47. I knew they were trying to annoy me but I was determined to keep my temper. 48. He didn't annoy her and she shut her almighty trap. 49. If Hyde returns while I am writing this confession, he will tear it to pieces to annoy me. 50. When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.Edgar Watson Howe 51. But the adverts that really annoy me are not so much the ones aimed at women but the ones aimed at men. 52. I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.Rita Rudner 53. Waving placards and chanting slogans, about 100 of his associates did their best to annoy the Republicans. 54. Mostly to annoy the league office, they compare their choices for postseason honors and publish them. 55. Did Granddad making you write annoy you? 56. Annoy irritate bother irk vex provoke aggravate peeve rile. 57. Sure scenes like these no troubles e'er annoy! 58. I'll conk you if you annoy me again. 59. You begin to annoy me, Cerebrate. 60. Of indignity, will annoy to be good at camouflage at the same time of you.