快好知 kuaihz

1. Losing the contract was a death-blow to the company. 2. His refusal to help us dealt a deathblow to our plans. 3. Printing gives the death-blow to bookselling. 4. He who gives a man a death-blow is himself to be put to death. 5. If the debut album wasn't enough to send such theories flying towards the bin, tonight deals them a death-blow. 6. By their combined strength the people and the army will deal a death-blow to Japanese imperialism. 7. It was NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a satellite orbiting Earth that studies the sun, which witnessed the comet's death-blow. 8. Spoiler alert: I walked out a few hours later not hugely convinced print is the future but willing to believe that in some places the death-blow of digital might be limited to a mere-crippling.