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31. But what is extraordinary about all these intricate reworkings of such disparate source material is the coherence of the final results. 32. To each side of the hearth was a high-backed wicker armchair in an intricate closely woven design fitted with patchwork cushions. 33. Miniature boats rigged with burlap sails ply intricate networks of rivers and canals. 34. At Motown, electric guitars, sometimes as many as four, were locked in intricate patterns. 35. They use an intricate formula to extrapolate how many are snakes inhabiting an area. 36. They have told prosecutors Kaczynski may suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, a mental disorder that can cause intricate delusions. 37. Next, long white streamers tied into an intricate pattern in the centre were handed to various women standing in the circle. 38. The snake will untie the intricate knot and the deeply-hidden force of life within Cleopatra will cease. 39. Our Czech hosts knew little about it, save that the approach was long and the descent intricate. 40. It was originally the main town gate, built by Matej Rejsek in 1475-:83, and decorated in a marvellously intricate style. 41. A living organism can therefore be regarded as an extremely intricate electrical system. 41.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 42. Any family has to do its intricate dance together for at least twenty years and sometimes longer. 43. The part-braided ends of his long hair escaped from the busy fingers which were engaged in their intricate task. 44. They mechanically weave into intricate patterns, twirling their 10-pound rifles with the swiftness of a baton. 45. The Everglades was carved into sections by an intricate network of canals and levees - 1,400 miles in all. 46. Certainly, few entomologists doubt that the amazingly intricate structure of moths' antennae are specific pheromone detectors. 47. It is used in domestic castings - such as fireplaces - often with intricate ornamentation. 48. Yet the field of inter-relationships is much larger and more intricate. 49. Most are, after all, sessile non-moving creatures formed into an intricate tapestry of living organisms often closely interwoven with one another. 50. There is another round wooden box on the shelf, though the wood is darker and the design more intricate. 51. It is ironic that often the most severe weather conditions can produce some of the most intricate and fragile sights. 52. Intricate issues were summarized in a few phrases or reduced to a line of wretched verse.... 53. Effective deployment of the larger reserves which this system made available required intricate staff work. 54. As are our skills at arranging the most intricate forms of financing. 55. He could carry out the intricate navigational corrections, and execute the necessary flight maneuvers when it was time to change course. 56. Almodovar's dialogue is witty, the plot effortlessly intricate, and the boys wonderfully wicked. 57. On the bus back to Dallas, Dignan details his intricate plans for their underworld careers. 58. They described village life to each other in intricate detail. 59. The skills that were needed to make intricate patterns by manipulating bobbins and pins at speed were learned at an early age. 60. Robert Sabuda is fast gaining a reputation as a master of the art of making intricate and appealing pop-up books.