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91. Their repressed emotions were ignited by her fiery speech. 92. Between formulaic speeches have been some unusually fiery debates. 93. The camellia blossoms are a more fiery scarlet. 94. How does Etna produce its fiery mix of magmas? 95. Wash off all the fiery streaks from your cheeks. 96. Vesuvius precipitated its fiery , destructive rage on Herculaneum. 97. Weak spot: Not a fiery, charismatic leader. 98. Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? 99. In smoke-filled private rooms, boisterous men vie to best each other in downing shots of fiery mao-tai,[http:///fiery.html] the rice liquor that is this city's most famous product. 100. Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. 101. She was a fiery, brilliant and unyielding intellectual and politician. 102. With the coming of Messiah, there would be fiery and severe judgment. 103. The fiery orator contrasted the idle rich with the toiling working classes. 104. Ren became enamored with Jessica's fiery spirit, and held her captive as his own personal guest. 105. According to Greek mythology, the Sun-god Helios wearing a yellow robe rode in a golden chariot drawn by four fiery horses across the heavenly firmament. 106. Fiery torches of palm fronds light up the night near the Caroline Islands as men in outrigger canoes wait with long-handled nets to scoop flying fish in midair. 107. He speeds into battle in a fiery flash, laying waste to all challengers. 108. Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia. 109. It was a round opal, red and fiery, set in a circle of tiny rubies. 110. Only the booster's fiery tail was visible as the rocket ascended through a cumulus cloud and then arced over the ocean, headed for space. 111. One - eyed Kelolo and a band of able policemen met the fiery whaler at the pier. 112. THE Book of Revelation has the world ending in a fiery hell. 113. Wenzhou An official said that although this year Wenzhou folk Shanghai real estate investment than last year so fiery, but he expressed doubts on Wenzhou folk disinvestment Shanghai. 114. But, as influenced by his deep-rooted traditional ideology of masculinism , the images of fiery women also reflect Lao-Shes dilemma of value tropism. 115. Fiery red lava streamed down the side and into the water. 116. The torch burns bright, symbolizing China's fiery passion for perfection and pollution. 117. As long as personality - belief exists, these old unwholesome actions are fiery and full of strength. 118. When the beast and his prophet were thrown into the fiery lake, the rule of Antichrist and idolatrous Rome ended. 119. Morrison stepped discreetly into a small storeroom where Chief Torpedoman Darrell Garrett greeted him with a paper cup filled with gilley, a fiery red liquid. 120. The paper would shrivel and blaze at every touch of the fiery pen.