快好知 kuaihz

31. During the reign of Elizabeth, the Wealdmoors in Shropshire were a battleground between rival landlords intent on drainage and enclosure. 32. Yet the trust was a new legal institution, developed only in Augustus' reign. 33. There was thus little in the second reign to stir up renewed animosity towards the Woodvilles. 34. During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited. 35. During most of Alexander's reign, the regime had carefully avoided all but minor military entanglements. 36. Confusion seems to reign in many areas of your life at present, so try to get on an even keel. 37. The reign of Wulfhere Wulfhere was probably in his mid-teens when he became king three years after the battle of the Winwaed. 38. One of the H. Fire development bright colours within only a few days and began a reign of terror. 39. His 12-year reign of terror left 26,000 dead in assassinations, mass murders and car bombings, nearly destroying the state. 40. She has never granted a formal interview during her reign, which began in 1952 after the death of her father. 41. It was a struggle which came to a head in the reign of Edward the Confessor, which began in 1042. 42. Not only are aitches dropped, appalling vocals now reign virtually supreme in the realm of pronunciation. 43. Edward's treatment of the clergy during his reign was no different from his dealings with his lay subjects. 44. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes. 45. Royal parents could also use the medium to convey a dynastic message: the ritual role identified the child born to reign. 46. This impious crime, wrote Ammianus, for ever stained the reign of Constantius. 47. The way the Anglicans responded in James's reign was in perfect conformity to their principles. 48. However unattractive King James was as a man and a monarch, he did leave a few noble monuments to grace his reign. 49. They instigated a reign of terror in London's East End, controlling their manor with a ruthless disregard for others. 50. Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.John Milton 51. Continuing Pictish-Northumbrian military confrontation was a part of the background, therefore, of Osred's reign. 52. It was a mammoth and indeed crippling undertaking and by the end of the Darius reign the vast empire was in decline. 53. In the last years of his reign a tendency towards the creation of specialized departments within the ministry had become visible. 54. As public confidence in his capacity to reign has plummeted, Charles' decline has dragged the monarchy down with him. 55. The reign of civil disorder and terrorism culminated in armed insurrection. 56. In the reign of Boris Goldgather a great disaster overtook the Empire. 57. For the duchy of Savoy the reign of Victor Amadeus marks a critical period of historical development. 58. During the final days of his reign as chief executive John Hackney was tipped off that his boardroom was bugged. 59. By the end of his reign, he had broken all his promises. 60. During the reign of Charles the Bald, however, such developments not only continued but showed cumulative effects.