快好知 kuaihz

91. She was admitted to a London hospital on 10 October 1992 with ruptured membranes and in spontaneous labour. 92. The formal procedure is seen as a substitute for a more spontaneous flow and nurture of ideas. 93. His abusive father routine earned him a spontaneous burst of applause, his voice booming to the rafters. 94. Our study shows the long term spontaneous resolution of severe glue ear in children. 95. The hearing was told that Mr Gannon, a self-employed window cleaner, died of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. 96. To a large extent, these racially motivated attacks will be random, spontaneous and unorganized. 97. All blood samples were obtained between 0830 and 0930 h to keep to a minimum the spontaneous circadian variation of fibrinolytic system. 98. Perhaps more importantly, however, Hayek's concept of spontaneous order is inextricably linked to the notion of personal liberty. 99. There has been a rapid and spontaneous growth of ideas and an anticipation of things to come. 100. Discussion Our previous work and that of others has shown the spontaneous resolution of glue ear in the short term. 101. But the crucial challenge is to translate that spontaneous impulse of generosity into a long-term political commitment to prevent more global warming. 102. When they gave political responses, we may assume that the expression of political pride was spontaneous. 103. The assurance of power is in having compelled against spontaneous inclination. 104. The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer when the news was announced. 105. This was made perfectly clear by our spontaneous reaction one morning when it seemed that the game was finally up. 106. There was something spontaneous and lively in his manner of speaking that made whatever he was saying sound even better. 107. Each presentation from the two subgroups was greeted by spontaneous applause. 108. Well, there is the theory of spontaneous generation - like worms in Lucretius. 109. The Wein-berg-Salam theory exhibits a property known as spontaneous symmetry breaking. 110. She wasn't the spontaneous kind of person who would just up and leave. 111. As unlikely as it sounds, this combination of the spontaneous and the studied blends beautifully into an agile, exotic hybrid. 112. False perception can arise only if the nervous system has spontaneous activity independently of any causative external object. 113. The second law requires that the total entropy of a system and its surroundings increases during a spontaneous process. 114. He was out to reveal a spunky, sparky, spontaneous self which had in fact never existed. 115. The enthusiastic, spontaneous idea-generator type worker will probably not be as organized and good at follow-through. 116. Humor is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes. It's unbridled, its unplanned, it's full of suprises.Erma Bombeck 117. It is mature and spontaneous utterance falling like ripe leaves on a still day in the fall of the year. 118. There are conflicting reports of spontaneous and stimulated growth hormone secretion in childhood Crohn's disease. 119. As a consequence, abnormally high rates of spontaneous abortions among women coffee-harvesters have been recorded. 120. Ingram reported that for children with phonological disorders, imitation tasks lead to fewer errors compared to spontaneous speech.